Page 8 of Lake (Trinity Academy 3)
I quickly glance down at the mark that’s luckily fading, but you can see it wasn’t made by bumping into a door.
Not knowing what to answer, I just say, “I’m glad you’re feeling okay.”
“What is he saying?” Jo Yoon-ha suddenly asks which has me slightly jerking with surprise.
“I asked if he’s not feeling well. It looks like he’s in pain.”
“Good. Give him attention.”
I try to smile as I look back to Mr. Cutler.
“Are you the only one who understands English?” he asks.
I glance at Secretary Choi Bo-gum. “Chairman Park’s secretary is fluent as well.”
“You don’t call him Abeoji?” he asks, looking surprised that I call my father by his title.
“In our culture, we use the formal titles and last names,” I explain, and then I compliment him, “The few words you’ve spoken you’ve pronounced well. Have you been learning Hangul?”
He lets out a chuckle, and it’s such a happy sound, that I find myself wishing he would do it again.
“I can only say a couple of words. I’ve even watched Korean dramas hoping it will help me learn faster.”
I begin to smile. “Which dramas did you watch?”
He chuckles again, and the sound puts me more at ease. “I watched quite a few, but Healer and The K2 were my favorite.”
My smile widens even more. “I like those as well.”
“Yeah?” He grins at me. “Because of the main actor?”
I nod and let out an awkward laugh. “Everyone loves him. He’s a nice person.”
“You have a beautiful smile,” he suddenly says which makes me lower my eyes when I begin to feel self-conscious.
“Thank you,” I whisper, and when he reaches for a glass of water, my eyes follow his hand until I can’t see it any longer without having to look up.
His laughter sounds kind.
Please let him be a good person.LakeEven though this headache is killing me, I feel better after our short talk. Hell, I even made her smile.
“Lake,” Mr. Reyes calls from the other side of the table, “Mr. Park will be leaving on Wednesday. Can you arrange a suite at the dorm for Miss Park to move into on Tuesday?”
Oh wow, he’s leaving earlier than I expected.
“Yes, of course,” I answer. Looking at Lee, I ask, “What time can I pick you up from the hotel?”
She darts a glance at me before she looks in the direction of Mr. Park and I can’t stop a frown from forming when the secretary talks with him for a moment before replying, “At twelve pm.”
Mr. Park says something else, and then the secretary asks, “Chairman Park would like to know when you’ll start working at CRC Holdings.”
My eyes dart to Mr. Reyes, who responds for me, “Lake will only be active as a shareholder.”
When the secretary translates the answer, the boring lunch transforms into something I’ve only seen in a drama.
Mr. Park shakes his head hard, and with a loud voice, starts saying, “No. No. No!”
He begins to ramble in Korean, which has me leaning into Lee. “What is he saying?”
She glances at me then back at Mr. Park, but begins to whisper, “He says you have to join the company. He won’t invest unless you do. He feels his investment should be looked after by my husband.”
“That was not the arrangement,” Mr. Reyes says, his voice calm in comparison with Mr. Park’s.
When Mr. Park begins to speak again, Lee whispers, “He wants it added to the contract that you’ll work at CRC Holdings.”
Before Mr. Reyes can reply, I say, “With all due respect, this is my future we’re discussing. I’d like to say something.”
Every pair of eyes settles on me, but I look directly at Mr. Park, and for once, he can’t just glance over me. “Are you aware of the percentage of shares my family holds?”
“Chairman Park is adamant. He wants you working at CRC Holding, or he would rather have his daughter marry Chairman Reyes’ eldest son,” the secretary says.
I can’t keep the smile from forming around my lips as I shake my head. When I stand up, Mason and Falcon instantly rise to their feet as well. Locking eyes with Mr. Park, I say, “Decisions regarding CRC Holding’s future are all made in the boardroom, Mr. Park.”
I’m well aware of the fact that I just insulted him by not using his title, and I pause a moment for that knowledge to sink in.
“I hold thirty percent.” I gesture to Mason. “Mr. Chargill holds thirty percent.” And I bring my hand up, resting it on Falcon’s shoulder. “Mr. Reyes holds ten percent. That gives us an overwhelming seventy percent voting right. We are a package deal, and Mr. Chargill will be the one to join CRC Holding.”
Somehow the secretary managed to listen to me and translate at the same time.
Damn, I need to learn Korean, so I can tell this man to go to hell in his own language.