Page 52 of Lake (Trinity Academy 3)
“Let’s sit over there on the bench,” I say.
I sit down on the right side, so the phone is closer to her. As soon as she makes herself comfortable, she turns her curious gaze on me.
“What would you like to talk about?”
“I’m worried. I’m sure it’s nothing, but I thought I should ask for advice, seeing as I’ve never had to deal with a situation like this before.”
My words totally ensnare her, and she leans closer. “Oh no, how awful. I’ll help in any way I can.”
Forgive me, Layla. I need to tell a white lie.
“I’ve seen less and less of Falcon, and it really worries me. It’s as if… how can I say this.” I pretend to hesitate an8d giving Clare a pleading face, I continue, “Since he got involved with Layla, he’s slowly changing, as if she’s…”
“Brainwashing him,” Clare completes my sentence.
I nod and let out a heavy sigh.
This is for Falcon and Layla. Cry if you have to. Just get her to talk.
“I’m so worried. He’s like a brother to me. I can’t just do nothing.”
“She takes after her mother,” Clare sneers. “Stephanie has been trying for years to steal Warren from me.” The glass of wine in her hand is forgotten as she continues, “I can’t say I blame Miss Shepard. Falcon is a sought after bachelor. He is handsome, wealthy, and comes from one of the most powerful bloodlines. Any woman would want him. My poor child.”
I lean forward and cover my eyes with my hand. “I just wish there was a way to get Falcon away from her or to get rid of her.” I take a couple of quick breaths, then whisper, “It’s killing me. I’d do anything to get Falcon back.”
Clare places her hand on my back and pats me like I’m a damn dog.
“There might be a way. The first time was a huge failure, though.”
I rub my eyes before I sit back, and I give Clare the saddest look I can conjure up at the moment. “Tell me. Please. I’ll do anything for Falcon.”
“Miss Shepard has a minor allergy as you know after the fiasco at the Thanksgiving event. I should’ve made sure Serena gave her the damn pie when Stephanie wasn’t around. That damn EpiPen ruined days worth of planning.”
“So you’re saying I should…”
Say it. Please. Say it.
“Just get her to eat something with strawberries. Apparently, you only need a tiny amount for it to do the trick and then she’ll be out of his life for good.” She lets out an irritated sigh, then sneers, “After all, it’s not murder if you’re taking out the trash.”
I close my eyes for a moment, so I don’t commit murder on my wedding day.
She misreads my reaction to her words and pats my back again. “If anyone can help Falcon, it’s you, Lake. You’re like a son to me. I trust you’ll do what’s best for Falcon.”
Needing just a little bit more information so things can’t be taken out of context in a court, I ask, “Where did Serena get the pie? Layla ate quite a bit of it. She didn’t realize it had strawberries in it.”
Clare lets out a burst of laughter. “I got it from the bakery. You should try their eclairs. Positively to die for.”
“So, I should just do the same thing you told Serena to do?”
“Yes, get the pie, or anything with strawberries. Get Miss Shepard to eat it. Preferably when she’s alone so, no one can rush her to the hospital again. We want it to work this time.” Clare lets out a sigh. “If only I could get rid of Stephanie that easily. One of these days, I might just lose my patience and run her over with the Rolls Royce.” She lets out a chuckle. “Accidents happen so easily these days.”
Yeah, they do.
“Thank you for all the advice. You’re a lifesaver,” I say while getting up. “I better get back before someone realizes I’m gone.”
“You’re welcome, dear. I’m always willing to lend an ear.”
“Enjoy the rest of the reception,” I say as I begin to walk away. When I reach the stairs, I keep walking straight ahead until I find a quiet spot. I first make sure there’s no one around and then I pull my phone out and stop the recording.
I press play and then listen to the confession I just managed to get out of Clare, and I begin to chuckle.
“Oh, Clare, you’re so fucked.”
I hurry back to the reception and walk straight to Falcon and Mason. “Guys, can I have a minute?”
“Sure,” Falcon says, rising from his seat. Mason gets up, and we walk in the direction of the golf course.
“I don’t think we can play golf right now,” Mason says.
When we’re far enough from the guests, I first glance around us before I take my phone out.