Page 44 of Lake (Trinity Academy 3)
I begin to chuckle and try to cover it up with a cough, but then Falcon snorts next to me, and all hope is lost as I crack up.
Mason tries to compose his face and remain businesslike, but when I start wheezing, he covers his face and begins to laugh as well while groaning, “We’re so fucked.”
“Worked the… sparkle… clear out… of my… my… my…” I can’t finish the sentence as I gasp for air.
“Bedazzled ass,” the woman says right by me.
I try to give her an apologetic look but epically fail. She watches me with a huge smile, and tilting her head, she says, “My babykins, I approve of whatever business you want to do with this fine-looking chunk of hunk.”
“Oh… my… god…” I gasp as tears begin to roll down my face. “Can’t… breathe.”
“We’re so sorry,” Mason gets out between bouts of laughter.
“Aw fuck, Rhett. How could you let Miss Sebastian get to them first,” another guy says as he walks toward us.
“I dare you to try and stop her, Jax,” Rhett says, and crossing his arms, he watches us with a wide grin.
Mason manages to recover first, and rising to his feet he introduces himself,” Mason Chargill and I apologize for the unprofessional behavior.” Glancing back at me and Falcon, he adds, “Lake Cutler and Falcon Reyes.”
Falcon clears his throat then goes to shake their hands while I pray I can keep the laughter in just so I can greet them.
“Rhett Daniels. Thank you for reaching out to us. Our CEO, Carter Hayes, and another director, Logan West, couldn’t be here today.” Rhett turns to the other man, “This is Jaxson West.” Then he glances over his shoulder, “and the late one is Marcus Reed.”
“Rhett Daniels, I will knock the grumpy right out of you. How’s Marcus late? We’re all still standing here,” Miss Sebastian scolds.
I lift my hand in a hopeless gesture as I sink down to my knees.
“It’s okay,” Jaxson says. “We’ve been there.”
“What do you mean by that, Jaxson West.” Miss Sebastion places one hand on her hip while the other hand darts up, and sticking her pointer finger in the air, she wags it right in front of Jaxsons face. “I will kick your fine ass to the high heavens. Don’t you go using that sassing tone when you’re talking about my bedazzled ass.”
Today is the day I laugh myself into an early grave.
Once I manage to breathe again, Miss Sebastian says, “Before you start your meeting, I’d like to invite y’all over to my place for a little B & D on Saturday.” She glares at Jaxson as he begins to lean toward Rhett. “And no, it does not stand for boobs and dicks. Does your mind have a permanent zip code in the gutter?”
“Shit, you’re going to kill me,” I wheeze.
“Oh, honey, I can do this all day long just to hear you laugh.” She leans closer to me and whispers, “But my chunks of hunks will tan my hide a bright red and being a married woman and all, I can’t go doing kinky things behind my hubby’s back.”
“If you don’t stop her, we’re going to have to call 911 because he’s about to pass out from lack of air,” Marcus says to Rhett.
“Get your fine ass out of here, woman. You’re going to kill our prospective partners,” Rhett growls, and it doesn’t help at all.
I grab at my chest, pretty sure I’m going to have a heart attack soon.
“Aaannnyyywwwaaayyy.” She rolls her eyes at Rhett before she looks at us. “The impatient chunk of hunk will give you my address. See ya all on Saturday.” Her eyes zero in on Mason, and she first looks him over which has his laughter drying up faster than the speed of light. “Bring an oxygen tank for my chucklelicious on the floor. He’s going to need it.”LeeWhile Lake’s at a meeting, I begin to get ready for dinner with his parents. I want to complement Lake tonight and show his parents that their son has made the right choice – and that they have made the right choice by arranging our marriage.
I take my time, washing my hair, and going through my skincare routine, which I’ve gotten used to over the past couple of weeks. Before coming here, I’d just wash my face, put on sunscreen, and then dart out the door. But Preston went through a lot of effort to get the products for me, so I’ll use every last drop.
I’m busy drying my hair when there’s a knock at the door. When I open it, Layla and Kingsley walk inside. I shut the door and watch as Kingsley lays a peach-colored dress over the couch. Layla disappears into my bedroom with a bag over her shoulder, calling out, “The men have their meeting, and we have ours. Let’s get started.”