Page 30 of Lake (Trinity Academy 3)
I get the same feeling when I look at Lee.
When we take a break, and we’re sitting side by side on the beach, looking out over the ocean, I say, “After graduation, I want to take Lee to Korea so she can visit with her mother. I’ll see what Jeju is like before I make any definite plans.”
“That sounds like a good idea,” Mason murmurs.
“Layla’s dragging my ass all the way to Africa,” Falcon says.
“Yeah? Are you going to see her dad?” I ask.
Falcon nods. “I have to admit I’m nervous as fuck.”
“Are you going to ask him for his blessing?” Mason asks.
“That’s why I’m nervous,” Falcon answer, letting out an apprehensive chuckle.
“Mr. Shepard sounds like an amazing person, and he’s Layla’s father. I’m sure you’ll get along,” I say to encourage Falcon.
“What are your plans for this summer?” I ask Mason.
The corner of his mouth lifts. “I don’t get a vacation, remember.”
“Right,” I grumble.
“I’ll probably look for a place closer to CRC. Kingsley and I haven’t talked about the future yet, but I think it will be fun looking at houses with her.”
“You know what comes before all of that?” Falcon asks.
“What?” Mason glances over to Falcon, lifting an eyebrow.
“Exams,” Falcon grumbles.
“Ugh… fuck.” Mason falls back on the sand. “You think I can get Preston to write mine for me?”
“Talking about Preston,” I say. “I haven’t seen him since the two of you gave him a lesson on bra sizes.”
Mason begins to chuckle. “He’s probably hiding.”
“I’ll check on him when we get back to the Academy,” Falcon says, and then he gets up. “Last surf and then we head back.”Chapter 12LeeSunday morning I get up before dawn and quickly get dressed in a pair of jeans and one t-shirt Lake bought for me.
Yesterday Lake asked me to be ready at five because he wants to spend some time with me.
I’m not going to lie, I feel very nervous when I walk out of my room. I’m tempted to try and call my mom again but knowing it’s late at night back home, I resist the urge. I tried calling her yesterday, but she didn’t answer.
She was probably busy. I’ll try again later.
A knock at the door has me putting the phone back down on the desk, and I grab the keycard then go to open it quickly.
I smile when I see Lake. “Morning.” I shut the door before I get my sneakers from the cabinet.
When I glance up at him, he says, “Morning. Are you ready?”
I nod, and when we walk down the hallway, the nervous feeling increases until it speeds up my heartbeat.
Lake presses the button for the elevator, and when the doors open, he waits for me to step inside before he follows.
I move to the back and link my fingers in front of me while Lake leans back against one of the side panels, and then he just stares at me.
“Do I have something on my face?” I ask, bringing a hand up to wipe around my mouth in case I missed some toothpaste.
Lake shakes his head, and his smile widens. “I’m just looking at you.”
The corner of my mouth lifts, and I quickly glance down at my hands.
Reaching the bottom floor, Lake holds the door, and when I dart past him, he lets out a chuckle and whispers, “Cute.”
Walking out of the building, we turn right and follow the path I wanted to explore the other day.
“Have you heard from your family?” Lake asks.
“No, and I don’t expect to,” I answer truthfully.
“I’ve been wondering about something,” he says. “How did Jo Yoon-ha text me if she can’t speak English?”
“She probably used one of those apps that translate languages for a person.” I shrug, then add, “Or the secretary could’ve helped her.”
It’s still dark out, and as we walk toward a tunnel of trees, lamps light up the path ahead, and I stop walking so I can appreciate the beauty.
“So beautiful,” Lake whispers.
“Yes,” I smile and begin to walk again.
“I meant you,” Lake says, and when my eyes dart up to his, he lets out a chuckle. “You’re really beautiful.”
“Thank you.” Unable to keep the grin off my face, I quickly look down to my feet.
We walk in silence for a little while, and then the back of my hand accidentally brushes against Lake’s, and it sends streaks of lightning zapping up my arm.
A smile forms around my mouth, and I press my lips together to try and hide it.
My heart begins to beat faster with every step we take, and I find myself glancing down at Lake’s hand, hoping he would take hold of mine.
The moment begins to weave a magical spell around me, and it fills my chest with so many emotions; it feels like soon there won’t be any space left for my heart.