Page 6 of Falcon (Trinity Academy 1)
Little do they know Lake and I aren’t sure whether we’ll be joining the family business. Right now, Mason is the only one of the three of us who will be working at the company. Lake mentioned he’d like to open up a café in Europe. He’s been looking into studying as a barista in Italy once he’s finished studying Law.
I’ve been playing around on the stock market and have been pretty lucky. With the funds I’ve managed to make on my own, I’m thinking of opening a business where I can help inventors bring their creations to life. That way my degree in Intellectual Property LLB will come in handy.
Nudging me with his arm, Lake draws my attention. “Isn’t that Stephanie’s daughter?”
I glance at the girl Lake is looking at, and from the inexpensive labeled capris, sandals, and plain blue t-shirt, it’s clear she doesn’t belong here. She stands out like a sore thumb amongst all the other girls with their exclusive brand clothing and accessories.
“Since when does Trinity give scholarships?” Mason asks, his gaze filled with boredom as he spares the table Layla is seated at a glance.
Not just anyone can get into Trinity. Every single student here comes from a wealthy background.
“She’s my father’s latest charity case,” I answer. She has guts coming here because once the other students realize she’s not from a wealthy family the shit will hit the fan. For a split-second, I feel a twinge of worry, but it quickly fades.
Murmurs fill the air as we walk to our table. I take my usual seat and glancing to my left I watch as Serena stops at the table where Layla is seated with a group of first-year students.
I frown as I take a closer look at Layla. I expected her to have black hair like Stephanie, but she must take after her father’s side. Silky blonde hair is caught in a ponytail, and she’s not wearing much makeup. Her fair complexion makes her look feminine and flawless.
Yeah, even I will admit she’s beautiful, which means she’s going to attract a lot of unwanted attention.
They’re gonna see right through her. She doesn’t stand a chance.
“She’s not going to last long,” Mason gives his opinion while looking over the menu.
A waitress comes to our table, and while Lake orders an obscene amount of food, my eyes drift back to where Serena is talking to Layla.
Just then Grayson and West enter the restaurant and spotting Serena, they make their way over to her.
“Serena, introduce me to your new friend,” Grayson says loud enough for half the restaurant to hear.
“I was just greeting Kingsley,” Serena quickly corrects Grayson. “I couldn’t be bothered with the other freshmen.”
Grayson grins at Serena. “Yeah, you better keep Kingsley close. You wouldn’t want her father’s hand to slip while he’s working on your face.”
“Layla, let’s go grab dinner off-campus. I suddenly lost my appetite,” Kingsley says as she gets up from her chair.
Layla stands up, but Grayson takes a couple of steps closer and blocks her way.
“Don’t run off before we’ve had a chance to meet.” He smiles broadly, and interest flickers across his features.
“I’m Grayson Stateman.”
Layla ignores the hand stretched out to her. “Layla Shepard. It’s nice meeting you but if you’ll excuse…”
Slowly, Grayson shakes his head, not getting out of her way. “You’re not excused. Sit down.”
“She’s not at your beck and call, Grayson,” Kingsley snaps, which makes a slow grin form around my lips.
Gotta give Kingsley points for standing up for Layla.
Seeing an opportunity to remind Grayson I hold all the power here at Trinity, I slowly rise from my seat. There’s also the fact that the bastard always had a hard time understanding the word no, so I’ll be doing the girl a favor for which she’ll owe me.
Hearing Mason and Lake get up behind me, I know they have my back as I walk over to Layla. I come up behind her and meeting Grayson’s eyes over the top of her head, the corner of my mouth lifts.
I let out a sigh. “Grovelling for attention again?”
The smile fades from Grayson’s face, and his mouth sets in a grim line.
“Interfering in other people’s business again?”
Layla glances over her shoulder, and when her eyes land on me, they widen, and she quickly takes a step to the side so she can see both Grayson and me.
I watch as her shoulders stiffen before she wets her lips, and for some reason, it bugs the hell out of me when the movement catches Grayson’s eye.
Her brown eyes dart to Grayson before coming back to my face. Our eyes lock, and I’m caught off guard when I see the uneasy look in them. “Falcon.”
She looks uncomfortable being in my presence, and it makes me wonder how much Stephanie told her daughter about me.