Page 52 of Falcon (Trinity Academy 1)
“Afternoon, Falcon,” her professional voice comes over the line, making my heart squeeze painfully with fear, “Please hold for Mr. Reyes.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
This is bad.
She transfers the call, and then my father’s voice comes over the line, “I have ten minutes. Explain yourself.”
“There is nothing to explain, Sir.” I move to the side of the restaurant for some privacy.
“What is this I hear about you and Layla Shepard?”
“We’re dating,” I answer honestly.
I hear him let out a heavy sigh. “You’re young, and the urge to spread your seed can be overwhelming. I understand that, but we do this discreetly.”
Closing my eyes, I clench my teeth, so I don’t end up cussing at him.
“Your mother is very upset,” he lets out another sigh, “and I don’t have time to listen to her nagging. Cut ties with the girl.”
“With all due respect, Sir, I can’t comply with your request.”
“Falcon, I will not hesitate to cut you off,” he threatens.
“If you feel that’s what you have to do.” I bring a hand to my face and pinch the bridge of my nose. “I’m capable of providing for myself.”
“Unfortunately, that’s true,” he acknowledges much to my surprise. “You leave me no choice. The Academy will be instructed to remove Miss Shepard from the premises.”
Anger detonates behind my eyes, blinding me momentarily. “Do so, and I leave with her. I will marry her and gift her my shares as a wedding present. Don’t threaten me, Father,” I grind the words out. “You forget, I’m your son, which means I’ve learned every possible way of warding off a threat.” I take a breath, and finish by saying, “Unless you want to see Layla in every board meeting, by all means, carry through with your threats.”
I cut the call and feeling like a caged animal, I stalk back to the dorm. I bang on Layla’s door, but she doesn’t open. Rushing back outside, I try to think where she could’ve gone.
Deciding to check if her car is still here, I jog to the parking area, and when I see the blue beetle, I let out a breath of relief.
“She has to be on the campus,” I mutter as I head back in the direction of the dorms. As I pass them, and I’m just about to walk toward the academic buildings, I see her as she walks by the restaurant.
I begin to run toward her, so fucking relieved to finally see her. Her eyes land on me, and she stops. I slow down and slamming into her body, I wrap my arms around her.
“Fuck, I was so worried.”
Her arms move around my waist, and her hands grab hold of my shirt. “I’m sorry for worrying you,” she whispers.
Pulling a little back, I bring my hands to her face, and cupping her cheeks, I inspect every inch of her.
“What happened?”
She tries to shake her head and even smiles at me, but the spark is missing from her eyes.
“Tell me what happened. I can’t fix it if you don’t,” I insist.
“I just miss my dad. I spoke to him and got a little emotional. It’s nothing.”
I can’t tell if she’s telling the truth.
Her smile widens. “Nothing’s wrong, Falcon.” She takes hold of my hand and pulling it away from her face, she links our fingers. “I’m sorry for letting you wait on the roof. You still want to go up there?”
I nod because we will be alone and it will give me a chance to find out if she’s hiding anything from me.My eyes are glued to Layla’s face as she laughs at something Lake said.
I haven't heard anything from my parents since the fallout yesterday, and Layla reassured me she was just feeling sad because she misses her dad.
My phone beeps, and taking it from my jacket, I see a message from Julian.
The Rose Acre. Penthouse Suite. Meet me now.
“Guys,” I say, shoving my phone back in my pocket, “I’ve been summoned. It shouldn’t take long.” Getting up, I place my hand on Layla’s shoulder and lean down to press a kiss to her forehead.
“Is everything okay?” she asks, a frown of worry already forming.
“Yes, I’m just meeting Julian quickly,” I put her at ease.
“Let us know if you need backup,” Mason says, his eyes sharp on me.
“Will do.”
I walk to the parking area and getting in my car, I leave the Academy. It only takes me a couple of minutes to drive to The Rose Acre. Giving the valet my keys, I walk inside the exclusive hotel and wonder why Julian wants to meet here of all places.
When I get to the suite, I knock, and a couple of seconds later, my bother opens the door.
“Come in,” he grumbles, his eyes on the document in his hands.
Taking a breath, I step inside the room and shut the door behind me.