Page 69 of It Must Be Love
"How long would we be…ah doing this?"
"Oh, we'll go back home in a few hours," I told her.
She sighed. "No, I mean this girlfriend thing."
Yeah, I knew what she meant. But it was an insulting question and it had pissed me off.
"I don't know, darling; how long do you want me to hang around?" I asked, my teeth all but grinding.
She put a hand on my thigh. "I'm sorry. That was…I just…my second question last night was, why do you want to spend any time with me?"
Okay, so I was used to people who were confident or were at least pretending to be. People who hid their fears and insecurities. I wasn't use to someone like Naya who put her fears out there and yet had the courage to strip in front of me when she was so sure I'd walk out on her that she'd asked me to promise not to do that. I'd take her courage over false bravado any day.
"I've been spending a lot of time thinking about you," I admitted. "I am attracted to you. I like you. I think you're a really good programmer and program manager. I think you're generous and kind. I think you're loyal to your friends, and they to you. Darren has told me more than once that if I mess up with you, he'll fuck me up."
"Darren? When?"
I groaned. "Fuck! I was hoping to wait to tell you. I talked to him about what wine you like."
She burst out laughing. "No wonder you picked my favorites. That was cheating Amias."
"Sweetheart, I was just pressing my advantage. You know when I came to your place I was worried that you'd spend time with me, and you'd dislike me. So, you're not the only one with insecurities. We all have them. We just hide them better."
"Why would I dislike you?" she frowned as I glanced at her.
I took an exit, and we started to drive on smaller roads.
"I'm known to be an arrogant asshole at times."
"Yeah, but I already knew that before I invited you over for Christmas dinner," she said nonchalantly and then, peeking out of the window, added, "We're in the boonies, Amias."
"We certainly are," I confirmed.
There was an ease about spending time with Naya. I was taking her on a date that none of my previous women would ever have wanted to go. Somehow, I was certain Naya would enjoy it.
The Calypso Farm was owned by a family friend, who had directed me to his events manager when I contacted them this morning. I'd felt bad about bothering someone on Christmas Day, but Penelope, the events manager, had told me that they were open because families would come over after Christmas lunches.
It wasn't until then I realized that I hadn't bought Naya a present and she hadn't mentioned it to me. I'd never ever have been allowed to forget that with Ann or any other woman, my mother included. Hell, I'd made sure all my family members were receiving something from me even though my mother was currently pissed as hell with me. I had a gift for Ann that was sitting in my closet and would be returned to the Hermes store. I couldn't give a bag I bought for her to Naya and also my new girlfriend wasn't the bag type.
"Naya, I didn't get you anything for Christmas."
She gave me a blank look. "I thought the outing today was your Christmas present."
"And I cooked dinner for you, so that was my present to you."
"You were not expecting anything from me?"
"Not really. Were you?"
You're nothing I expected. You're everything I didn't even know I wanted. "The dinner was a beautiful present. Letting me in and trusting me with your body…even better."
She blushed.
I turned and took a long driveway headed to our destination. When I parked, her eyes scanned the farm, which looked like a scene from another era as it had been decorated to cater to happy families. We were early but Penelope had suggested the time so we could enjoy the sleigh ride alone.
"Are we there?" Her face opened up into a smile.