Page 32 of It Must Be Love
Darren shook his hand, but he was staring at Nolan.
"I thought Kara's aunt was sick," Darren said, his voice gruff, angry.
Kara looked around uncomfortably. "I know you're friends with Naya, but this isn't the time or the place to—"
"Cut it out, Kara," Darren snapped.
"Hey, you don't talk to my wife like that." Nolan stood up all alpha male.
"You told your sister that your wife's aunt was sick, which was why you couldn't come to the cemetery with her on your father's first fucking death anniversary, you asshole. You're a piece of work, Nolan. First, you don't take care of your father—."
"I have a family," Nolan bit out.
"And then you make her carry your father's medical bills," Darren was on a roll.
People around us were turning to look at the show.
I put a hand on his shoulder. "Not the time or place," I told him softly.
He shrugged my hand off. "I don't give a shit. You all make me sick. I went with her to mourn your father, Nolan. I was there with her when she was recovering from her accident because you and your wife were busy telling her how ugly her body looked."
My breath caught in my chest. Accident? Naya had been in an accident? I didn't know that. When the fuck did that happen?
"And when she thinks she can sell your dad's house to pay off his medical bills, you know what she finds?"
"That's enough, Darren," Nolan spoke up with false bravado because Darren could probably beat him to a pulp.
"She finds out that your dad mortgaged it to the gills to pay for your MBA. So, she's been making monthly payments while she lives in a shit apartment, can't afford a car, and takes care of your son whenever you want a free babysitter."
He turned to look at me. "And you're the jackass who made her feel like you did her ass a favor by hiring her. You're lucky you have her. She's a fucking great programmer and even I, who knows fuck all about that shit, knows that."
He then looked at all the shocked faces at the table. "Y'all have yourselves a good day. And you're still an asshole, Nolan."
He walked out of there and silence fell at our table.
Jackson and I sat down, and Nolan shifted uneasily. "I don't know who that guy thinks he is."
"It's your father's death anniversary today?" Hayes asked, shaking his head obviously disgusted.
"I mourn my father in my own way. I don't need to go to a cemetery to do it. That's Naya's thing."
Kara stroked her husband's arm. "She's such a bitch, always trying to blame Nolan for her problems."
Hayes got up then and nodded at me. "Amias, you got this?"
"Yeah." He wanted me to pick up the tab for the table. He'd been planning to do it but he I knew he was worried he'd strangle Nolan.
"I have to go, Jackson. Chérie, a pleasure. Ann, be seeing you I'm sure. Nolan, Kara…I have no words. But rest assured if you both are invited to something, I won't be there. I'm fucking done with the two of you."
I watched him leave and Ann gave an elaborate sigh. "Hayes has his panties in a bunch! We need more wine after that scene."
Chérie was not amused. "I'm tired. Jackson, I'm going to take a nap. Okay?"
Jackson kissed his wife, and she said goodbye to all of us and went to her room.
"Is she upset?" Kara asked, obviously stricken that a fashion editor of French Vogue was distressed.
"No. Just tired. Jet lag," Jackson lied smoothly.