Page 8 of Don't Fall For Your Brother's Best Friend
My phone beeps with a message before I even start my ignition.
Tripp: Hey guys, Shepherd's got a new beer flavor he's been working on. Any guesses on what it is?
I text back.
Knowing Shepherd, it's probably something weird like jalapeño and lime ??
Callum: Nah, he did that one last year. I'm guessing it's something with fruit. Maybe a peach ale?
Brock: If it’s as good as his last one, I’m in. When can we try it, Shepherd?
Shepherd: You guys are gonna love this one. It’s a chocolate hazelnut porter.
Paxton: Ooh, sounds fancy. When can we get a taste?
Shepherd: How about this weekend? I need some guinea pigs to test it out before I finalize the recipe.
Tripp: Count me in. Anything with chocolate and beer is a win in my book.
First, Tripp, you’re not old enough. And Shep, just to warn you, if it’s bad, I’m gonna be brutally honest.
Shepherd: I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, Griff.
Callum: Speaking of the weekend, anyone catch the game last night? That last-minute home run was insane!
Brock: Man, I thought they were done for. Best comeback I've seen in a while.
Paxton: I missed it! Had a busy night with Hartford, if you know what I mean. Any highlights worth watching?
Tripp: All of them! The whole game was intense. You gotta catch the replay.
Seriously, Paxton, it was one for the books. That last inning was pure magic.
Shepherd: I was so pumped, I almost knocked over the batch of beer I was working on.
Callum: Just make sure you don’t spill any of that chocolate hazelnut goodness. We need to try it this weekend.
Paxton: All right, okay, I’ll check out the highlights. And I’m definitely down for the beer tasting. What time?
Shepherd: How about Saturday afternoon? Say 3 PM at my place?
Tripp: Works for me. I can try beer, right, Cal?
Callum: I guess, don’t tell Mom.
Brock: Perfect.
Callum: Can’t wait.
Looking forward to it.
Paxton: See you guys then, and will your neighbor be there?
Shepherd: Don’t remind me about her.
Callum: What happened?
Shepherd: She’s back with her ex, so I guess I can go fuck myself.