Page 65 of Don't Fall For Your Brother's Best Friend
I broke a promise I made to Callum and I see no way of making him understand I had no choice. He doesn’t understand love. He will cut me out as his friend and the likelihood that I lose my job is pretty damn high. I never wanted to choose between Anya and Callum, but I’m afraid that’s the direction we’re headed.
Carol knows and it’s only a matter of time before Don is told. I have no idea how he’ll react to the news. Will he accept our relationship or will he deem me damaged goods?
There are so many ways this could blow up in my face and I’m terrified that in the end, I’ll be the one left standing alone.
“Chef, the article in the paper about you was impressive. Congratulations.”
I nod to Charles, one of my sous chefs. “Thanks,” I mumble.
Of course, I read the article. Being described as a master in the kitchen had me smiling like a damn fool. It’s a compliment that truly made me proud.
I’ve overcome a lot in my life, mainly my father, and although only two people know how horrible it was, I feel like I’ve accomplished things that seemed unreachable. I didn’t think I’d survive childhood, let alone get a culinary degree. I never would’ve imagined being the head chef at any restaurant, never mind being a co-owner with my best friends. I sure as hell didn’t think I’d ever experience love and yet here I am, desperately in love with Anya.
None of it was handed to me. I’ve busted my ass for everything. Christ, I had to chase after Anya to give me a chance.
Now just when I feel like I have everything that I could possibly ever want, I could lose it all.
I close my eyes briefly and take a deep breath. “No, fuck that,” I whisper to myself. I’ve fought for everything I have and I’m not going to stop now. I don’t know how I’ll do it, but I’m determined to have it all.
“Hey, the room is set up and Anya is kinda in bitch mode, so watch out,” Tripp says, grinning as he walks into the kitchen.
“Hey, don’t talk about your sister that way.”
“You know, someone recently told me that every guy fights for the right woman,” he says, grabbing a stack of napkins.
“Sounds like a smart guy,” I say, chuckling.
“He is if he takes his own advice,” he says, walking out of the kitchen.
For fuck’s sake.
“Griff, you sure everything is good for tonight,” Callum asks, rushing into the kitchen.
I know tonight is a big deal, but he’s been over the top the last few days. Now that I have the worry of my secret being exposed, I’m feeling that fire inside me that Anya has been so good at keeping at bay.
“Yeah, Callum, I told you a hundred times. I’ve got everything handled. It will be a perfectly executed dinner. Fucking relax.”
Yep, I regret the words as they slip out of my mouth.
“What the hell did you just say? You want me to fucking relax when we have the potential for the biggest thing to happen at the brewery? You want me to fucking relax and let it all fall to shit and let our—mine and yours—reputation be disgraced? Maybe you shouldn’t be so relaxed like you’ve been the last few weeks. I’ve noticed how different you’ve been and I wasn’t going to say anything, but seriously what the hell is going on?”
I blow out a breath as I try to compose myself. “I didn’t mean it. You know me better than that. I just meant try not to stress yourself out so much. I promise you that everything is handled in this kitchen. I would never disappoint you or this brewery. Give me a little credit. I’m sorry it came out the way it did,” I say, hoping to deflect from his last bit of questioning.
He sighs and leans against the counter, scrubbing his face. “I didn’t mean to bite your head off. I just want this to go perfectly. I want us all to have the success that we deserve.”
I grab his shoulder and nod. “We already have success, don’t forget that. This party is monumental, I’m not denying that, but don’t dismiss what we’ve accomplished already. You allow the world to fall on your shoulders, but Cal, we’re all in this together. We all know exactly what needs to be done to show the Mayor and his guests that we truly are the fucking best. Trust in that.”
He smiles, shaking his head. “You might be a master in the kitchen, but you’re also a genius with words. Thanks, man.”
After our talk, Callum leaves and hopefully has relaxed a little. I continue to stay busy in the kitchen, making sure I don’t disappoint anyone tonight. I haven’t seen Anya since I walked out of her office and damn I miss her already.
The party is in full swing and it is going as perfectly as Callum and Anya hoped for. The food has been served and my job is over, but I won’t leave. Just like every party I’ll be here long after closing with Anya.
I decided to step out of the kitchen and watch from afar. I’ve been watching Callum talking and laughing with all the big wigs in the room. He fits in perfectly with them. I’ve been watching Tripp bust his ass to stay on top of everything and it makes me smile thinking he’s taking my advice. I watched Brock and Shepherd serve the new beer and the looks of amazement on everyone’s face that tasted it.
But what I’ve really been focused on is Anya. The way she flawlessly carries herself as the professional woman she is. How she interacts with each person is different and it’s mesmerizing to watch. The way her face lights up when she’s given a compliment or the sound of her laughter escaping the room. The way she lights up the room just by stepping into it. She’s breathtaking and I find myself leaning against the wall to keep from falling to my knees.
She’s now talking to the Mayor with a huge smile on her face that has my heart racing. I pull out my phone and grin.