Page 18 of Don't Fall For Your Brother's Best Friend
I chuckle, grabbing a water out of the fridge. The Atwood boys love teasing each other. It’s always fun, whether I’m just listening or jumping in myself. I glance at the group chat, and see it’s the one with Anya in it, not just us guys.
Paxton: Anya invited Callum and Griffin for a day of fun. I guess she doesn’t care if we get to have fun.
Anya: Stop it. I’d never exclude anyone. Callum and Griffin need help having fun. You guys don’t.
Brock: Oh burn lol
Callum: I don’t need help having fun. I have plenty of fun.
No you don’t and neither do I. Anya is right, we need help.
Brock: If you guys want to have fun, you should be asking me, not Anya.
Anya: Hookers are not fun.
Paxton: Your girlfriend dressing up like one is.
Anya: Gross.
Brock: Nice.
Callum: Too much information.
Paxton: Speechless, Griff?
Not exactly the image I need next time I see Hartford.
Brock: Stop getting sidetracked. What’s this day of fun we were cut out of?
No idea.
Paxton: Oh shit, that would make me nervous. Anya in charge with no information. Good luck guys, I definitely don’t want in on this.
I laugh, but suddenly I wonder if I should be nervous. What could she have planned? I’ll be honest, I’m glad Callum is gonna be there.
Brock: One time Anya told me she had something fun planned and I had to end up taking her to the mall so she could hang out with Willow. And we all know I hate hanging out with Willow.
Callum: Anya Marie Atwood, I need details of what you have planned, or I’m going to work.
Anya: Wow, Brock. The mall was your idea, remember? You had a crush on some girl at the Sephora store. Callum, I’m taking you and Griffin to do ax throwing. Now can everyone stop texting so I can finish getting ready?
Ax throwing does sound kinda fun.
Callum picks me up and we arrive at Ax Attack. I never even noticed this place before and I drive by it almost every day.
“You ever been here?” I ask, looking up at the sign.
He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. “Seriously?”
I laugh and slap his arm. “Come on, throwing an ax is probably therapeutic.”
“Working is therapeutic,” he huffs.
I shake my head and open my door. “We need to learn how to have fun that doesn’t include work.”
He climbs out and we meet in front of his truck. “We were both content until Anya said differently.”