Page 14 of Don't Fall For Your Brother's Best Friend
Saw something rare today.
Brock: Let me guess, Mrs. Capri in a string bikini?
Tripp: That shit is not rare. She’s old enough to be my grandmother, but she’s rockin’ a body on her.
Callum: Tripp, she’s Mom’s bestie. You’re relentless. What did you see, Griff?
Callum actually smiled today.
Shepherd: Oh shit. Call in the papers. Did you snap a pic? That shit would go viral quick.
Callum: Ha ha ha.
Paxton: Seriously? I haven’t seen a rare Callum smile in ages. Haven’t seen a Shep smile in quite a while either.
Shepherd: Quoting the infamous words of Callum, ‘ha ha ha’.
Tripp: Yeah Shep, what’s up? We know why Callum doesn’t smile, but what’s your deal?
Callum: I smile.
Shepherd: No deal, just busy.
Paxton: Busy pouting about his neighbor. Just ask her out already.
Shepherd: She’s back with that ex of hers, and I don’t know.
Tripp: Ouch, sorry. It sucks when somebody you want is with someone else.
Shepherd: It’s fine. I’m over it. So why did Callum smile?
Well, it was actually Anya who caught the smile, but I’m thinking Callum’s finally seeing what we all see. That Anya kicks ass.
Paxton: Agreed.
Tripp: Yeah, she’s okay.
Shepherd: She’s rocking that party room hard.
Callum: We’ll see.
And there you go, ruining it all. Gotta get back to work.
Chapter 5
I’m swimming with pride. Everything is going perfect, and the guests are having a great time. The food looks so good, that I’m sort of hoping Griffin made enough for me to have a few bites.
I giggle to myself thinking about eating some of the leftover food in the kitchen.
I’m sure grumpy Callum would never allow that.
The thing about Callum is he never goes away. He practically lives at Atta Boy. I mean, I get it, maybe I’d live here too if I had as much at stake as he does. He keeps things running. I just wish sometimes he’d let loose a bit.
But that’ll never happen.
He’s been like this since we were kids.