Page 5 of Don't Look
Between my law enforcement work and the ranch, I’ve had no time for romantic entanglements. There’s an occasional faceless hookup, but never the same woman twice. I’ve haven’t been in love—not even that adolescent shit most guys experience when their balls drop and they fixate on the closest pair of tits. If you’d asked me this morning, I would have told you love is for suckers. People who want a picket fence and have no ambition beyond a desk job and beige slacks.
Well, joke is on me, because I fell for this girl at first glance. Might have taken me ten minutes to admit it to myself—I’m a hardened bastard after all—but when her lower lip trembled and she told me her father keeps her locked up her in a room…I very seriously glimpsed my own personal hell. That’s right. My personal hell is suddenly Hailey being unhappy for a single second. Like I said, well and truly screwed.
And she’s a virgin.
I probably should have known when her eyebrows wrinkled in confusion when my cock pressed itself against her leg. She’s never been fucked. Never even seen a dick, if I’m not mistaken. If I didn’t happen to be sitting here when she waltzed in, someone else might have taken away the privilege of being her first. I’m extremely not cool with that. I’m ready to go headbutt every window in this bar over it, actually. Right before I slaughter every man breathing a thousand miles within her sweet, little pussy. It’s mine.
It’s. Mine.
She’s mine.
Hailey gags on a sip of beer. “Mick, can I have a Sprite?”
I don’t take my eyes off her when I bellow at the bartender. “Sprite.”
She beams up at me, and my heart starts to gallop. Damn. She’s so pretty. No, beautiful. And petite. Way too petite for this meat hanging between my legs. I’ve had trouble getting a seasoned woman to take it. She’s going to scream when I get my pants unzipped. Hello again, personal hell. The idea of scaring Hailey makes me want to jump off a bridge. Has to be done. Have to have her.
The bartender sets down her Sprite on the bar. I pick it up and hold the straw to her angel lips, my cock throbbing as she sucks the liquid into her mouth. “Thank you. Are we going to kiss now?”
“Yeah,” I rasp, lowering my mouth to hers. Even though it wasn’t the plan. And the second my tongue slides into her mouth and she gasps, I know Hailey has never even been kissed. Jesus. Sweet Jesus. She tastes like crisp lemon—like from the soda, but there’s an underlying flavor of cool mint. I can’t lick at her enough, absorbing and experiencing. Her thighs go limp on either side of my hips, as if her body can’t help softening for mine. Nature is taking over. When a man wants a girl as bad as I need this one, does chemistry prepare her body out of necessity? Or is it just wishful thinking that her pussy is getting wet for me?
Shouldn’t be touching her. I’m too old and jaded for somebody so perfect.
Even with those admonishments ringing in my ears, I turn my head to the side and tug down on her chin, so I can slant my mouth over her smaller one, listening to the rasp of my beard on her soft skin. She tries to close her legs, but my hips block them, and she whimpers, beginning to writhe. “M-Mick…”
I skim my teeth in a circle behind her ear. “What’s wrong?”
She arches her back, her fingers clutching and unclutching the sides of my shirt. “I don’t know.”
After making sure none of the other bar patrons can see what I’m doing, I slide my hand between her thighs, not stopping until her cunt is sitting right on top of my cupped palm. Until she can’t move without grinding that virgin flesh down on my hand. “Does your pussy get excited when I have my tongue in your mouth, baby?”
“Is that what it is? Excited?” I curl my middle finger, pressing against the thin cotton covering her hole. This gorgeous virgin is wet as fuck, enjoying my touch even though being with a man is new to her. With all of her weight on top of my hand, Hailey has no choice but to bear down on the near-intrusion, soft mewls breaking past her lips, her hips rocking. “What i-is it excited for?”
Fuck, her total lack of knowledge where men are concerned really shouldn’t be turning me on. I’ve never begrudged a woman’s past experiences before. They’re entitled to pleasure as any man. But hell if my dick isn’t trying to rip through the seams of my jeans with the need to sink into uncharted territory. So I can call this girl mine in the basest sense of the word. “What do you know about sex, Hailey?”
Pink paints her cheeks. “I know men and women touch each other in bed. I know it’s how babies are made.”