Page 40 of Twenty-Three Years of Longing
“It was okay. I told Joey about the house.”
“Was he excited?” I asked.
“He was...a normal ten-year-old. Leaving his friend and everything he knows is not easy for him. I think he was glad to hear we have a place, but I think he was hoping to hear that I didn’t like it here and was coming home instead,” she explained.
“Are you considering going back?” I reluctantly asked.
“No. Not at all. Actually, I am even working on the plans to bring Joey here. I spoke to Bennett this morning and he offered to fly Joey here in a few days when Zoey and the kids come to Tabiq,” she said.
“What did you tell him?" I asked.
“That I needed to think about it and get back to him. But what I really meant was I needed to talk to you. I don’t want you to feel rushed to get into your new place,” she said.
I was thrilled to hear that she wasn’t leaving and still staying at my house. “You’re not rushing me at all. I picked up a few things today after work. And I’ll come by tomorrow again to grab more if that is okay with you.”
“Orion, it’s your house. You don’t need to ask my permission. We discussed this already,” she said.
“But I don’t want to just walk in any time. It’s your house now. I will knock when I come, key or not,” I stated.
“Fine. Knock. But the door will be open. I believe you said that you never locked it, so why should I?”
My heart skipped several beats. “Because it’s not safe.”
“It was safe enough when you lived there.”
“I probably shouldn’t have done that myself,” I said.
“So, you’re locking the doors at your new place?” she asked.
This was getting very close to lying. But I did lock Mayson’s door. “I am.”
“Good. Because you’re the Vice President now and you need to take the proper precautions.” I laughed and she snapped, “What is funny about that?”
“I’m not laughing at you. It’s just that I just got off the phone with my grandmother and she said the same thing,” I said.
“Sounds like we both care about what happens to you,” she said.
I’m glad you care. I know I care a lot about you too.
“I’m sorry that we couldn’t see each other today. But I was wondering if you wanted to get together for breakfast before work?” I asked.
“I thought you told me you like to go for a run first thing in the morning,” she said.
Hmm. You don’t forget anything I say, do you?
“I was thinking that maybe you could make me an iced coffee and I could cook you breakfast instead,” I suggested.
“You want me to meet you at the house?” she asked.
“Or I pick you up in the morning, early. And I drop you off at the school afterwards,” I offered.
“That is too much. This would be much easier if I had my own vehicle. Maybe instead of breakfast, you can help me look for a car that would be reliable and...not too expensive?” she asked.
I had a second vehicle that I left parked at my grandmother's house. It was a sports car. It wasn’t as practical to get around given the bumpy roads of Tabiq. Something I would use only on a special occasion. I couldn’t let her drive that. First of all, it was a manual transmission. Secondly, it would draw too much attention to her. And I didn’t like that. She already stood out plenty. We’d been out to dinner, and I saw men looking her way. Checking her out. Give her a flashy car, and I might as well paint a target on her back. Someone would approach her and not with good intentions.
“I have a few people who might be selling something, but it will take a day or two to confirm that. Would you mind waiting just a bit longer?” I asked, hoping she would agree.
“That’s awesome. I guess, you coming, picking me up in the morning, makes sense until I have my own transportation,” she said.