Page 30 of Twenty-Three Years of Longing
However, thinking isn’t what's on my mind. I need to finish what we started in the car.
Yesterday was amazing, and disappointing at the same time. I was so happy for Orion. And being able to witness him being sworn in as Vice President of Tabiq was such an honor. He had only two people there to support him, and I was one of them. I was also sad that I didn’t get to spend time with him celebrating afterwards.
He had originally said that my being at the ceremony was per Reesa’s request, but I had a feeling that it meant more to him than what he was letting on. Any doubt about it vanished after that kiss. Granted, I hadn’t been kissed in a while, but I don’t care if I had been kissed every day. That one was off the charts. I swear that my body tingled with excitement until I finally fell asleep.
But today was another day. I planned on making it a great one. It has started pretty well. I got to speak to Joey before he went to bed, and I was halfway through my day now and not one issue has come up at the school yet. I’d like to think it was because they were adapting to having me around. But I think it had less to do with me and was all about Orion.
I was not sure what to expect after the announcement yesterday, but these students continued to surprise me. They were overjoyed with it. As I walked into each classroom, Orion was the central topic everywhere. Students were discussing what his appointment meant. Not just for Tabiq, but each of them personally as well. It was a beautiful thing to witness, and I couldn’t help myself. I pulled out my cell phone, snapped some photos, and recorded a few video clips that I would share with him later. He was going to love it. I just wished he could have been here to see it for himself firsthand. These students were beaming with pride and praying for his success. I hoped their parents were feeling the same. They were the ones who could vote out Reesa during the next election if they didn’t agree with her choice.
They have my vote. Not that it counts for much.
I knew more about Reesa than I did about him, but it was changing that slowly. He wasn’t one who opened up quickly. Couldn’t knock him for that, because I was the exact same way. Maybe if I had, Orion would’ve known that Joey wasn’t my boyfriend, and he and I would have explored this connection we had a bit sooner. I still wasn’t sure if doing so was a wise decision, but I was the one who kissed him. I couldn’t blame him. Well, I guess I could, for being so damn handsome and sweet.
I leaned back in my chair and chuckled to myself. It was as though everything I had told myself, no dating until Joey was eighteen, and I didn’t need a man in my life, went out the window as soon as our lips made contact.
It wasn’t as though I imagined what it’d be like if we kissed, but wow, the sexual chemistry was explosive. Never had I been left with my hands and legs trembling with need by one kiss. Part of me was afraid of what it would be like if we took it further. Hell, I didn’t think we’d be able to stop. I know I wouldn’t want to. From his...physical reaction to me, I think he felt the same way. But that was pre-announcement. Was he going to change post-announcement? Since all I received from him today was a ‘have a great day’ text message, I wasn’t so sure.
It was difficult holding back and not reaching out to him. A quick text message just asking how he was doing or asking about his day would be simple enough. I wanted to hear his voice. See his face. But I needed to have some patience. Last night we had parted with him promising to pick me up after work and show me his place. Two more hours weren’t going to kill me.
I told myself that I was just excited to see his house so I could tell Joey that I’d found a place, and he could come and join me in Tabiq. That was part of it. I had hoped to deliver him so good news before wishing him sweet dreams. But he didn’t ask, and I had nothing to share with him anyway. I knew it was because he wasn’t looking forward to being dragged away from the life he enjoyed. He had friends. He liked his school and teachers, for the most part. All that was about to change.
I sighed, my heart aching for what I was putting him through. I knew he must be so scared, even though he wasn’t letting it on. Goodness knows that I was before I got here. Even now, part of me was. But I was an adult, and he was just ten. I couldn’t expect him not to have fears. I just wished he’d talk about them. It was the only way I could help.
Funny how you can have a minor in child psychology but can’t get your own child to talk. Maybe I should ask the college for my money back.
Now that I had time to rethink this, I was glad I couldn’t tell him about the house before he went to bed. He probably wouldn’t have gotten any sleep. And that meant Kathy wouldn’t either.
Funny how things work themselves out. I had totally understood why Orion couldn’t give me a tour of his house last night. The media wasn’t letting him, or Reesa go. The cameras were flashing, and questions were flying. We both should’ve expected that when he told me about the meeting, but I had been so distracted that all I could think about was him. I was glad the media didn’t put any focus on me. They already knew who I was, and Reesa had done an excellent job explaining why I was there. I was Orion's replacement at the school. For them, that was old news. I blended into the background along with Mayson and Finn.
Thankfully, Bennett had thought this through and planned for me and Mayson to be driven home. Even during that short thirty-minute ride, I got to know more about Mayson than I would’ve liked. Orion hadn’t lied. Mayson was quite a character. The entire ride to New Hope, he never stopped talking. Some people might find him annoying, but in a way, he kind of reminded me of Kathy. Everything was a joke, and several times, I could hardly tell if he was being serious or not.
The only thing I knew for sure was how proud he was of Orion. But he’d hinted about something I was hoping to get Orion to elaborate on. Was he raised by his grandparents? Mayson made it sound as though their mother wasn’t in the picture. We didn’t talk much about our past but spent more time discussing neutral topics, our education, hobbies, etc. That was when we were trying to keep things on a professional level. Next time we get a chance to talk, I would really talk, I won’t bring up the school, students, or anything business related. I wanted to know Orion, the man.
There was a knock on my office door, and my heart skipped a beat with the hope that Orion was here to surprise me. “Come in,” I called out.
The door opened and it was Ziva. “Hi. Am I catching you at a busy time?” she asked.
“Nothing that can’t wait,” I said. Thoughts of Orion weren’t going anywhere. “Have a seat.”
Ziva sat down and said, “I wanted to check on you, see how you’re doing.”
“I’m good. Busy but good.”
She nodded. “I know you have a lot to learn. But I didn’t know if you wanted to go check out a few places after work.”
What do I say? She and Alex had been wonderful. They were taking the time to find a place for me. I didn’t want to come off as unappreciative. No way could I mention Orion’s house. No matter what I said, it wasn’t going to be right. “Thank you, but tonight is not good. I think I’m going to put looking for a place on hold for a few days. There’s just so much going on.” That was all true.
“With the surprise announcement from Reesa yesterday, I think we all have a lot going on. I never saw that coming. But it does explain why he left his position. Alex and I had thought maybe he was ill or something because he’s never talked about anything other than the students,” Ziva stated.
“I...I was surprised myself. And from what I’ve learnt about him, I can see why you never suspected he’d leave his role here. The parents and students would agree with you, too,” I replied.
“You two seem to be getting...close,” she said, watching me closely to see how I would react.
I wasn’t about to give her anything to speculate on. “Thankfully he has made time to train me on things I wasn’t sure of. Not sure if he’ll be able to continue though.”