Page 27 of Twenty-Three Years of Longing
“’s me.”
“You? You’’re going to be the...the Vice President?” she asked, stunned.
“I am. That is the only reason why I stepped down as the school administrator. I loved that job. The students were my life. But when Reesa approached me in regards to this, I couldn’t say no,” I said.
“Of course not. It’s an honor. Also, a huge responsibility. But I don’t think she could’ve picked a better person for the job,” she said. “I mean every day at work all I hear is people talking about you. What you have done for the school. For the students. And how you have dedicated yourself to making a difference in the lives of the next generation. If you can do that with a school, I can only imagine what you can do as the Vice President.”
“I have a few ideas, but just like I told you, it takes time to develop them and implement new things in a new role. Today all I am focused on is how the country is going to respond to her announcement,” I said.
She reached over and covered my hand with hers. It was just as unexpected as Reesa’s offer, but this had an entirely different effect. It was...tender and comforting. And I found myself turning my hand over, to entwine my fingers with hers. I thought she’d pull away, but she didn’t. Instead, she gripped me tightly.
“Orion, you can’t be worried that they will disapprove of her choice, are you? I mean, you are very respected by the community. Why wouldn’t they want you?” she asked.
“Because I see the future differently than some.” That was the simple truth. I refused to let our past hinder our future.
“If you ask me, that’s a good thing. I mean, Reesa didn’t bend, instead she stood her ground on her principles. Look where we are now. So much better than before,” she said. “I can’t wait to see what improvements you bring in.”
“I’d like it if we had our own university here instead of sending our youth to other countries. It’s not the international experience that I don’t like. It’s the knowledge that the majority of those who study abroad won’t return to apply all their newly acquired talents here. God knows we need them in order to continue to grow our businesses and become more economically independent.”
I felt her fingers loosen and softly she said, “You mean like me.”
I apparently hadn’t been thinking when I said that. “I wasn’t talking about you. Your situation is different.”
“In what way?” she asked.
“You’re here now, aren’t you?” I reminded her, trying to do damage control. But I knew she hadn’t applied for the job. Reesa had sought her out. Not sure how that even happened, but I was glad it did. I couldn’t lie even to myself. Raya had been gone for eleven years before returning to Tabiq. The question I had was how long she was going to stay. Was this position just a steppingstone to something bigger back in the US? Was she going to be just another statistic like so many others?
“I won’t lie to you, Orion. I am here and plan on staying for some time. But how long exactly will depend on Joey. If he doesn’t adjust or make friends here, then I will have no choice but to return to the States,” she said.
Joey. Always about Joey.
Since he was so damn important to her, why the hell was she holding my hand right now? Hell, I’m holding her hand. She’s just not letting go. One of us had to do it. I wanted to say fuck it and fight for her. I didn’t know Joey. He might be a complete asshole. Might not deserve her. But I had to treat their relationship as I would want mine to be treated if she were with me.
Slipping my finger from hers, I gripped the steering wheel with both hands, and asked, “Tell me about Joey. What’s he like?”
Instantly, she smiled and settled back in her seat. “He’s just the best. I really think, or hope you’ll like him. Not that he’s perfect, but he’s so smart and funny.”
“I can tell you him,” I grumbled out the words.
“Shouldn’t I? I guess there are people who don’t, but I’m not one of them. He’s my world, but I think I already told you that. Even coming here now, I took into consideration how it was going to affect him. I am hoping I made the right decision.”
Leaving him in the US sounds like a better one to me.
My thoughts were selfish and as the Vice President, I needed to think about Tabiq and not my own wants or desires. We needed Raya to stay. And my accepting Joey was going to help make that happen.
“I am sure you did. Maybe I can help. What does he like to do for work?” I asked.
“Work? I’m lucky if he makes the bed and does the dishes,” she sighed. “But I’m not looking to have him work while he’s here. I’ll just be happy if he makes friends and has people to go out with. I will be working a lot, and I don’t want him stuck home waiting for me.”
I was blown away. Raya didn’t strike me as a woman who’d want a man that just sat at home while she worked. Maybe I was reading her wrong. One way to find out. “Then let me find him a job. I’m sure he will feel better if he’s providing for you.”
“I might not be aware of all the changes in Tabiq, but I am pretty sure there are some kind of labor laws,” she stated.
“We have no problem with allowing a foreigner to work here,” I explained.
“Even one who is ten? Because as Vice President, I think you might want to change that,” she stated firmly.