Page 15 of Twenty-Three Years of Longing
He cocked a brow. “You really don’t think I’m going to answer that, do you?”
I downed my beer and said, “No. But you seem to ask a lot of questions, so I figured it was time for me to ask one myself.” I got up and said, “Thanks for the beer. I have a long day tomorrow, and Reesa has some things she needs me to do before then.”
“Anytime, Orion. My doors always open anytime I’m in Tabiq. Especially with the changes that are coming,” he said.
Reesa hadn’t mentioned sharing her plan with Bennett, but I had a hard time believing that he didn’t know before me. Somehow, Bennett knew more about Tabiq’s secrets than I did.
I only trust you because Reesa does.
“For the record, my door is open as well if you come across any information that you feel I should be made aware of,” I stated.
I left him sitting at the bar finishing his beer as I headed back to the lobby. Before going out to my SUV, I stopped at the front desk. “May I leave a message for Ms. Davison?”
“Yes, sir.” She handed me a paper, pen, and envelope.
I wanted to see Raya again, but I think tomorrow it shouldn’t be here. We needed to ensure that we kept it professional. And by we, I meant me.
I folded the paper, slipped it into the envelope, and sealed it. Jotting her name off the front, I handed it to the receptionist. “Please give this to her in the morning.”
The woman nodded and said, “Have a good night, Mr. Moyer.”
There were times I wished people didn’t know who I was, but anyone who didn’t was going to very soon. Reesa said she’d be making the announcement in a couple of days. My life was about to change, and privacy was something I wasn’t ever going to have again.
I got in my SUV and headed home since I technically didn’t have an office any longer. There were things I needed to prepare for tomorrow, but I knew my head wasn’t in it. Reesa would easily be able to tell if I delivered something other than the quality of work she expected. That would only lead to questions that I wanted to avoid. A good night's sleep, get up early, and do my work. A more productive plan.
When I pulled into my driveway, I noticed my brother’s car parked there. I wasn’t expecting him, or did I forget with all the craziness that had gone on today? I honestly was so mentally fried, that I couldn’t recall. I pulled up beside his car and parked. I took a quick look, but noticed his car was empty. Normally I would leave my doors unlocked. A bad habit. I have never had any unwelcome visitors yet. There was no doubt in my mind where I would find him. As many times before, he’d be sitting in the kitchen helping himself to what I was going to eat for dinner.
I grabbed my laptop bag out of the back seat and went to find him. He was sitting on my couch. “Orion, we need to talk,” he said, his tone filled with concern.
“Sure, what’s up?” I asked.
“What the hell happened? Why aren’t you the school administrator any longer?”
Being sworn to secrecy really sucked sometimes. Lying to my kid brother wasn’t something I wanted to do. “Mayson, I am changing careers, that’s all. Not fired, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Yeah. I was. Not that the president was going to take my call, but I was tempted to go to her office and demand she reinstate you.”
“No need. Not fired,” I said again.
“Well, something isn’t right. I mean, you love your job. Hell, it’s all you ever talk about. Helping those kids. No way would’ve you just walked away from that job on your own.” His voice got soft, and he asked, “Are you...okay? I mean...are you...sick or something?”
Damn it.
That had never crossed my mind, but it should’ve. I could see the concern in Mayson's eyes now, even though he had tried hiding it from me. “No, Mayson. I’m fine. Healthy as ever. It’s just time for me to think about doing something else. And we already have my replacement,” I replied.
“Yeah. I found that out when I went to your office today. Granted, your replacement is smoking hot, but she looks like she barely got out of college herself. What makes you think she’s going to do as good a job as you?” he questioned.
I was still stuck on his ‘smoking hot’ comment. That definitely described, Raya. Even in her business attire, there was no hiding her looks. Not sure I liked knowing anyone else, even if it was my brother, noticing it too. But she wasn’t Mayson’s type. Not that I knew her personally, but she couldn’t be his type.
This is one woman that you need to stay away from. She doesn’t need you breaking her heart.
From the call Raya received while I was with her, she already was in a serious relationship and wasn’t going to give Mayson the time of day anyway.
“Mayson, she’s taken so don’t bother.”