Page 143 of Breaking Rosalind
“When did she die?” Cesare rasps.
“Sometime after the bar closed,” Gil says. “There’s footage of her leaving through the back before someone cut the power.”
“Her car was in the parking lot the whole night and when she didn’t turn up to work the next day, her assistant manager looked inside,” Benito adds.
Cesare’s breathing turns ragged. “They found her in the car?”
“How would you know that?” Benito leans forward.
I grind my teeth. Guessing the end of a story isn’t evidence of having committed a murder.
“It wasn’t me who killed her,” Cesare says through clenched teeth. “It was Matty Galliano.”
My stomach churns at the mention of that monster’s nickname, and I fix my gaze on the table. I thought the explosion had blown off enough body parts to render him harmless, but I suppose Matteo is still capable of murdering a woman in cold blood.
“Why would Galliano target Allegra?” Gil asks.
“Same reason he killed Tania,” Cesare says.
“And what’s that?” Benito asks.
“Same reason he hired those assassins.”
Benito’s gaze snaps to meet mine. I gulp, hoping he assumes my discomfort is because of Cesare’s mention of the Moirai. If there’s war brewing between the Montesanos and the Gallianos, no one can ever know my secret. I must protect Miranda.
Benito rubs his chin. “Explain to me in simple terms why you think Matty Galliano, and not Tommy, wants to kill your former lovers?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Cesare shifts on his seat. “He wants to create a rift between us brothers by framing me for murder.”
I hold my features in a neutral mask. That explanation makes no sense. Matteo is the more calculating of the Galliano brothers. He wouldn’t sneak into Montesano territory and commit murders on the off chance of causing family discord.
Benito is right. Convoluted, harebrained schemes are more Tommaso’s style.
“Was he with you last night?” Benito asks.
My lips part. Every survival instinct tells me to cover up for Cesare, but this might be a chance to negotiate my freedom.
“She was asleep,” Cesare says.
Gil sighs. “This doesn’t look good.”
“Why would I murder Allegra?” Cesare growls.
The large man raises both shoulders. “I mean, you killed Ricky Ferraro…”
“Who sold us out to Capello and Galliano,” Cesare yells. “And I was giving him CPR when Tania walked in and interrupted.”
“Who died the same moment you turned off the security cameras and rushed into the alley when she was sucking off Bruno.”
Gil steeples his thick fingers. “Allegra got a new boyfriend last week. Now, she’s dead.”
“Bullshit,” Cesare says.
Silence stretches out for several tense heartbeats as the two men shoot glares at Cesare and me. The air thickens with tension, pushing down on my lungs until I can barely breathe.
Death is no big deal to an assassin, but the thought that Cesare is murdering his ex-girlfriends is unsettling. He’s obsessive, possessive, prone to mood swings. He’s capable of anything and is also spending an inappropriate amount of time with my little girl.
My insides twist into painful knots. Would Benito stop Cesare from killing women or would he just help cover up his crimes?