Page 87 of Billionaire Grump
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For everything. I mean it. I can’t…I don’t know what to say.”
“Say you’ll move in with me.” I lean in to kiss her again and she lets me, but then she smiles and gently pushes me out the open door.
I feel like someone is ripping out my heart, beating and bloody, and now expects me to go out there and leave it behind and somehow still function. “Later, baby girl. Be ready for me.”
“Grumpy” takes on a whole new meaning once I’m back at work. I’m like a shark in the water, feeding on anyone who happens to rub me the wrong way as I swim through the next few hours.
Cash and Noah are already in my office.
“Why do I give you people so many keys?” I grumble.
“Good morning to you too, sunshine.” Noah hands me a mug of coffee, patting me on the back sympathetically. “You’ll be okay.”
Cash has helped himself to my desk chair and has his feet propped up on the corner of my—and my father’s and grandfather’s before me—mahogany desk. He’s got the relaxed air of a man who’s getting laid whenever he wants with a woman he’s in love with. I’m happy for him, I really am, but I’m too mired in my own agony right now. “Make yourself comfortable,” I tell him.
“I hear the weekend went well.” Cheerfully. The other two have obviously told him all about Ivy.
I glare at him. I should have the air of a man who’s getting laid whenever he wants with a woman he’s in love with. But it’s too fucking raw. Too new. And I’m here, instead of where I should be, in bed with her…licking that sweet pussy until she’s coming in my mouth.
“Oh, shit,” Cash laughs. “It’s worse than I thought.”
Noah isn’t helpful. “Told you.”
Cash is enjoying this. “Dude, I get it, believe me.”
“I’m in love with her.” I don’t even mean to tell them. But the magnitude of it feels like it’s consuming me. It wants out. Besides, they already know. Noah’s met her. He saw how fucking gorgeous and perfect she is. “I met her three days ago and I’ve already asked her to move in with me.”
Cash’s eyebrows go up, and he can’t suppress another impish smile. “What did she say?”
“She’s thinking about it. She agreed to come home with me tonight.” I think. Did she?
“It’s rough to begin with,” Cash says philosophically, like he’s the expert in this scenario. “Once you get a ring on her finger it gets easier.”
“Thank you, Wise Leader.”
Noah laughs.
Someone knocks on the door.
“I’m expecting Bruce.” Bruce Drake is the lawyer who leads the Maddox Enterprises team. I open my office door for him and he comes in, taking a seat at the table.
“I’ve got all the info you wanted on Roy Laine,” Bruce tells me.
“Let’s hear it. I want this matter settled today.”
Bruce leafs through some of the paperwork he’s brought with him. “He’s embezzled over twenty-five million dollars from the law firm he works for, Finlay & Hobbs of Stamford, where his title is Senior Divorce Lawyer.”
Cash lets out a low whistle, looking at me, then Noah, then Bruce. “Who’s Roy Laine?”
“Ivy’s father, I’m guessing,” Noah says, and I don’t correct him.