Page 65 of Billionaire Grump
“Do I really have to ‘scandalize’ anyone?”
“Of course you do.” There’s a beep at her end. “Oh, Sam’s calling me, sweetie, I have to go. Send me a picture of you by the pool and have fun. Call me later.”
“Bye, Clee. Tell Sam I said hi.”
We end the call and I stand in front of the full-length mirror. I let the robe drop and pull on the minuscule bikini.
Cleo’s not wrong. This bikini really might scandalize the Hamptons. Two small triangles of fabric barely cover my nipples, revealing the rest of the fullness of my breasts almost completely. The lower triangle barely covers the parts it’s supposed to cover. And it’s a thong.
I turn, getting a view of myself in the mirror from different angles. I’m really not sure this is a good idea.
As though Cleo’s reading my mind, I get a text at that exact moment.
Don’t second guess it. You look freaking hot and you know it. WEAR IT. And work it, girl! You’re a smoke show and everyone wishes they were as gorgeous as you. Love u xx
I sigh. I love my best friend more than anyone, but she really can be infuriating.
I finish my breakfast, brush my teeth, grab my bag and sunglasses and head for the pool.
I’m wearing my high-heeled sandals because they’re the only pair of shoes I brought with me.
Several other women are at the pool, chatting in lounge chairs. I don’t recognize any of them from last night. They all look up as I walk past them, murmuring to each other, and I smile, finding an empty lounger a few seats away from them.
I spread my towel out and take a few minutes to put my Sun Tropez Bronzer sunscreen on, a gift from one of my clients. I lay back, taking a selfie with the tube of sunscreen visible. Then I post it, tagging them and the swimsuit company.
The perfect sunscreen to go with the perfect bikini on a sunny day in the Hamptons #ad #hamptons #wildswimcali #suntropezbronzer [splashing water emoji] [bikini emoji] [sunshine emoji]
Then I enjoy the sun for a while, letting myself completely relax. I have a lot of things I could worry about right now, but I give myself exactly one hour to bask in the beautiful day in this stunning place, my body still humming from all the orgasms. I figure that’s forgivable. I mean, who knows when it’ll ever happen again?
I’m grateful to be here, by this glittering pool. I know how lucky I am, to get to spend the day like this.
I’m grateful people liked the song last night and so many people complimented my music.
I’m grateful I got to meet Alexander Maddox. It’s a crazy scenario that led me here and I have no idea what will happen, but I’m grateful…it was him. I’m grateful he felt so freaking good. He was so big. So hard. God. The way he felt when he came inside me…it was like the jets of his cum were a kind of trigger, like my body couldn’t get enough of the warm, pulsing force of it.
I’m supposed to be doing my gratitude practice and instead all I can think about is my fake date’s gigantic cock.
I’m getting wet just thinking about him. My pussy’s tingling and softening. Like it did when he swirled his cum all over it, pushing some of it back inside. Why did he do that?
I decide to take a dip in the pool, to cool down a little. I go over to the far end where the steps are and wade in until I’m up to my neck. I let my arms rest on the edge of the infinity pool, looking out over the view of the ocean.
It’s then that I hear more voices.
The men are back from their fishing trip. I can see Blake, Alexander and a few others entering the pool area. They’re followed by Margot.
I swim back to the steps and, dripping wet, head to my lounger.
When they see me, every single one of them stops in their tracks and they all go completely silent. Staring at me. From my toes, up. Lingering on each one of the triangles. Not even reaching my face.
One of the men covers Blake’s eyes with his hand. Another guy, who looks a lot like a slightly younger version of Blake, glances at Alexander before covering his own eyes with his own hand.
Margot, dressed in a new beige outfit and clutching her iPad, looks pissed off.
The expression on Alexander’s face is one of stormy, layered fury.
He walks toward me, grabbing my towel on the way, which he carefully wraps around me. In fact his carefulness clashes with the fire in his eyes. He leans close to my ear and growls, “I’m going to request that you come back to the room with me immediately, Jones. Please, don’t protest. Because you’re coming with me even if I have to carry you over my shoulder.”