Page 45 of The Wicked Virgin
“But why?” I asked, perplexed. “How did she get into our building? And why, why would she do all this and put her job in jeopardy? Doesn’t she get paid enough as is, secretary to the head honcho?”
The big man snorted.
“The bitch was too far gone, there’s no ‘whys’ when it comes to sociopaths,” he said disgustedly. “But the full story is that when she started working at Luxor a year ago, she started blackmailing me. She came in one night, late, when I was alone, and thrust her breast in my face. It was disgusting,” he assured me, seeing my shocked expression. “I wanted nothing to do with her, her boob was all shriveled and small, like an old lady’s tits.”
“But she threatened me with a sexual harassment lawsuit and I caved,” Nick shrugged. “Luxor had just settled some harassment suits in previous years and I didn’t want another one coming down the pike, it would distract our staff, our board, our shareholders from the meaningful work we do. So I agreed,” he shrugged. “Jeanette wasn’t asking for much money and I figured I’d fire her after a year, after she genuinely fucked up on the job somehow.”
“But then you came,” he said, turning to look deeply into my eyes. God, he was so beautiful that I awed, so close to those perfect features, the strong nose and chin offset by a mobile, sculpted mouth. “And the blonde saw something that frightened her, I’m not sure what. Probably your warmth, your sincerity, and the fact that people liked you, genuinely wanted to be in your company.”
I paused for a moment.
“And she was scared because you liked me,” I said pointedly. “That was probably what threw her the most.”
Nick nodded.
“And I liked you,” he conceded, his eyes flaring, pulling me close. “More than that. I was falling in love with you, and it freaked the hell out of her.”
I sat bolt upright in his lap. Holy shit, Nick Martin had been falling in love with me? Was potentially in love with me even now? I turned to look at him, my eyes wide, lips trembling.
And the big man just grazed my mouth with his own.
“That’s right little girl, I’d fallen in love and everyone knew it. Everyone in the office could feel it, the electricity between us, how the air hummed whenever we were in each other’s vicinity. I’m surprised we didn’t set this building on fire.”
My cheeks grew red.
“Everyone knew?” I gasped, breathless. “But we were hardly ever around each other in public. No one knew I came to your office via the secret passageway.”
“That’s true,” conceded Nick, his big hand on my chin, turning me to look deeply in his eyes. “But we would pass by each other in the halls, say good morning, the usual niceties. Except the sparks were so strong between us, so magnetic, that everyone could feel it, knew that something was up.”
I sat back, a little stunned. No wonder Norma had hinted at a relationship between Nick and me, that I knew where his office was already. No wonder there’d been a couple odd looks in the past weeks, nothing too out of place, just eyes that met mine and then slipped away quickly, my co-workers choosing not to say anything.
“Everyone knows, don’t they?” I asked softly. “Everyone knows.”
“Everyone does know,” the big man repeated. “Knows that we’re in love with each other, that we’re a couple who can’t keep our hands off each other despite the fact that we’re totally kosher in public. No one needs to know you’re a little nympho, a little sex doll who can’t keep her legs together,” he teased.
I flushed hotly.
“I’ll have you remember I was a virgin when you met me,” I said primly. “You’re the one who took my cherry. Both my cherries,” I corrected, flushing a little.
The big man just chuckled deeply in his chest.
“And I loved every second of it,” he breathed in my ear. “Every fucking second, tasting that snatch, feeling you squirm and scream, knowing my dick was the first, the only, inside your sweet holes. And that’s why the minute I found out what Jeanette had done, how she’d snuck into my apartment, snuck her panties into my suit jacket, I fired her ass, sexual harassment claim be damned.”
I paused for a moment.
“So she’s gone,” I said slowly. “We’ll never see her again.” I couldn’t even bear to say her name at this point, it was like poison on the tongue.
The big man paused.
“Well I can’t promise that because the blonde’s mentally unstable, you can’t predict anything with the insane. So we might be seeing her from the inside of a courtroom,” he said. “Or maybe the inside of a jail,” he added thoughtfully.
The slammer? Maximum lock-down for that bitch? Sad to say, but the thought made joy course through my veins after all the woman had put us through.
“That’s right,” murmured Nick into my ear. “I have half a mind to take the case to the DA. You know he’s an old friend of mine,” he smiled against the sensitive skin of my neck.
And I sighed languorously then, the tension seeping out of my body, winding my arms around his neck, bringing his lips down to mine for a deep kiss.
“I think, Mr. Martin, that I get it now,” I breathed against his skin, my tongue lazily playing against his mouth, tracing sensitive circles, making the big man catch his breath, his cock harden even further against me. “I get it. You’re a powerful man, you’ll always be the target of scheming tramps, and I need to at least give you a chance to explain because there might be an answer.”
A big finger traced my cheek as he looked deeply into my eyes.
“And I know now,” he replied, his voice a low growl in his throat, “that my little hellcat is a woman who needs attention, who needs to be petted and stroked daily, told that she’s beautiful and wanted. Because my little hellcat’s got a temper and at the least provocation she’s liable to fly off the handle and scream … although I loved every second of it,” he added, his eyes flashing, his big body ready to take, that cock jutting ever more insistently against my softness.
“Because I was screaming for you,” I purred, writhing a little, teasing him with the friction. “This little hellcat was screaming to have you inside me, with me, always.”
The big man chuckled.
“I aim to please,” he growled before diving into my body, making me moan, tremble, and shiver on top of him, taking what was his all over again. Because against the most incredible backdrop of events, the wicked virgin had prevailed against the Wicked Witch, and I was never letting go of Nick. He was my everything, my sun, my moon, my stars … and I was his as well.