Page 14 of Jeremiah

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Page 14 of Jeremiah

They hadn’t given up their beds, however. They talked about having a nice trailer for themselves so that they didn’t have to be deprived of the luxuries that they had come to love too. Thanks to the magic of faeries, they were just as pampered on the road and abroad as they’d been here. Maybe more so.

“As you know, great-grandmother was a circus elephant up until a few years ago—thank you for talking to her about retiring. She worked so hard all her life, and it’s high time for her to take some time for herself. I think that she misses the people more than she does the traveling. And we both know how much she loves traveling the countryside.” She smiled at Jeremiah and thanked him again for finding her family for her. “It does make me feel good to hear from her more often now. And the stories that she told me were by far the best that I’ve ever heard. She has asked me to come and travel with her and to bring you along so that she has eye candy to look at. She can be so outrageous sometimes, don’t you think? I love her to pieces.”

They both laughed. She knew that this was something that she’d been thinking about for the last few weeks. Just being able to go and come as she pleased. Not that she didn’t do that now, but there was something that she found so magical about the idea of being a circus elephant that made her giddy.

“She told me the other day that she’s been buying up other animals that are being mistreated by their owners. Not just circus animals but dogs and cats, too. I think that alone has made her as special as people think she is.” Lexy agreed with Jeremiah and told him how much she loved him. “I love you as well. So when do we leave?”

“I’m sorry, what?” He repeated himself and then smiled at her. “We can’t just up and leave to go join…no matter how much I’d like for us to do that, we can’t just go and join the circus, Jeremiah. Think what your family would say.” He told her that they’d ask why she’d not done it sooner. “They’d make fun of us.”

“Okay, first of all, why do we care if they make fun of us? I don’t, that’s for sure. Secondly, they’d be super jealous of us, and I know for a fact. All those months that we were on the road with her were good for us all and my family most of all. It was like having minivacations every week. We could be on the road all the time. Enjoying what life tosses at us. It’s not like we’re needed around here.” He winked at her. “You have no idea how close I am daily from pulling the fire alarm, Lexy. It’s a daily struggle. I’d really hate to have to tell the new fire chief that it’s all your fault. And it would be if you don’t get me away from here.” Lexy just stared at him.

He couldn’t be serious, could he? Would he honestly like to go on the road with her and her grannie? There were things that would have to be put into place. Make arrangements for the house to be looked after. Mail to be—

“Let’s do it.” When he stood up, dragging her across the lawn as he went, Jeremiah was spouting off duties to the people who were in the yard even before they were in the house. The mail was arranged, and one of the nephews was going to be watching the house. He’d even made arrangements to have their plants watered, all before he closed the door to the outside and pulled her along with him up the stairs.

Lexy didn’t know what had gotten into Jeremiah, but she was happier than she’d been in a very long time. Even if nothing came of this, if they only went to visit her grandmother for a few days, it was more than she could have hoped for. As they were tossing things into their suitcase, Jeremiah took it all out and put it back in the drawer.

“We have everything that we need right in our pockets.” She laughed and told him that he was right, but they’d need luggage if they were going to play the part. “Yes, yes, of course. We’ll take some empty things with us so that we can bring things back with us when we want to. Although we could just ship things home, and that would be the end of it. I’ve spoken to your grandmother. She’s going to pick us up at the airport in Tennessee. They’re headed to Florida right now, so we’ll pick up…I think she’s more excited than we are, to be honest with you. But it’s all arranged.”

They were at the airport within an hour. Not that they drove there. No, they had Hanna pop them there in seconds. The idea of not having luggage seemed to bother some of the people at the counters, so they bought a nice carry-on and filled it with snacks. Stuff that they’d cut out of their diet long ago. Why? She didn’t have any idea but did enjoy having a bag of crunch cheesy doodles while waiting. The best part of it was that she had cheesy powder all over her that made her happy.

By the time they were in the sky, flying over the airport, she had spoken to her grandmother three times, and what Jeremiah had said was true. She seemed to be more excited than they were about this trip.

While the trip wasn’t all that long, only a few hours, they talked about the things that they were going to be doing. Not once did either of them utter the words, this is silly, nor did they try and talk each other or themselves out of what they were doing either. It was an adventure, Jeremiah said, one that they were going to think about and treasure for a very long time. She didn’t even care at this point if she got to be an elephant with her grandmother’s circus. The excitement of what they were doing to get there had made a world of difference for her and her loneliness.


Lexy waved goodbye to her grandma. She was headed to a cruise with Jeremiah’s dad, and she couldn’t have been happier for the two of them. They weren’t mates, but they were the best of friends. Both of them had been mated at one time in their long lives and knew that kind of love only came to a person once. It was good, too, to see them with their heads together, laughing and plotting. Lexy thought that her father-in-law was the best thing there was for the family, and she couldn’t have been happier in her life to have him as a part of her family.

When they got back to the circus, having stopped for dinner on the way back, she and Jeremiah entered the big camper. It was perfect for the two of them. Especially since it had been magically enhanced and was much larger than it was from the outside. They even had a lovely kitchen with a cook that made ‘roughing it’ so much more fun.

“I’ve been thinking about a couple of things.” Jeremiah sat down next to her with his plate of food. It was called an appetizer to most, but for them, it was enough to feed a small family. Smiling at him, she took one of the deep-fried ravioli and popped it into her mouth. The crunch was perfect. “We should figure out a house that we can use to…are you going to eat all of those?”

“I just might. She got them perfectly crisp. What were you talking about? Hurry and tell me so that I can finish eating. They’re so good but too loud to hear you talking.”

Instead of talking, he ate the last two ravioli by putting them both in his mouth at the same time. Pouting at him, she told him he was unfair, and all he did was smile at her when he pulled a second plate of just the ravioli and handed it to her. The man was the best, that was for sure. She asked him what he’d been thinking about.

“Making love to you.” She nearly spit her last bite all over him. “Yeah, I know that we do that a great deal. Making love is like a drug for me. But I don’t know that I’ve ever made love to you in this camper. Is it true that if you’re good enough, you might be able to make it rock?”

“Hum, I have no idea. Why are you thinking about…never mind. You’re forever talking about sex. And thinking about it. Dreaming about it.” He laughed, and she joined him. “All right. But I need some food first. This is good and all, but it’s not nearly enough for me to be able to have sex…sorry, make love to you.”

“Great. We can eat now and then again later.” He stood up and put out his hand. While she knew that the man was insatiable, she was too. There was just too much on her mind right now to race to bed. Standing up with his help, he pulled her up into his body and kissed her with so much passion that she was overwhelmed by it. And that got her to thinking.

“We don’t do that enough.” He asked her what she meant, that he kissed her all the time. “Yes, you do. But it’s been a while since it was passionate like that. I know that we make love all the time and kiss during it, but when was the last time either of us simply pulled each other into our arms, or me, you for that matter, and showed with just our mouths how much we love each other. I bet a lot of people have forgotten that they need to do that, too.”

“I love you. And you’re right. I think that after all this time, we sort of forget about passion. I love you so much, Lexy Tate. And will until the end of time.” They raced one another to the bedroom.

He stood near the bed and was naked before she was. His cock was the first thing she noticed because he was incredibly hard and straining from his groin. When she reached for him, he took a step back and took a deep breath.

“I’m going to bite you when we come. I’m going to mark you as mine. All right?” Was he kidding? She didn’t care at this point if he tore her throat out so long as he was inside of her. She nodded.

He lifted her up and took her mouth. Her body was molded to his as he took them back to the bed, and his mouth was voracious. His tongue, soft and smooth, now touched deep and tangled with her own over and over. His hands tore at her clothes, and she at his flesh.

When he took her nipple into his mouth, she cried out, lifting herself up to him to give her all to him. When his cock was at her entrance, she moved and shifted around until she felt his crown fill her. Moving again, she tried to take him all.

He tore his mouth from her breast and looked down at her. “I know you need me right now, but I don’t believe I’ve ever been this hard before. Darling, I love you. And I need to fill you.”

“Please. Please take me.” He punched hard into her. She screamed out in pain and held him. When he didn’t move, she looked up at him. Christ, she could see his concern but his lust as well. It was almost too much and not nearly enough. “Take me.”

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