Page 76 of The Naughtier List
“And that’s your final decision, is it?”
I make sure my eyes are fierce. “Yes, that’s my final decision.”
His eyes are fierce right back at me. “Such a shame. I’m sure Miss Yardley upstairs will be very happy to hear that a further apartment has become available in west wing. Extra choice for her. She’s very keen on Belgravia, and so she should be. It’s a marvellous place to live.”
I fold my arms. “That’s what you’re going to do, then? Seriously? You’re going to withdraw my tenancy agreement because I won’t take your dick?”
“I think Rachel in the office made an unfortunate error during the referencing process. Your credit check doesn’t seem to have been validated, and it’s not up to our standards, sorry.”
I keep my arms folded. “I’ll pay fully up front for the contract length, and my employer will be a guarantor, remember? My credit rating means nothing.”
He smirks. “How generous, but unfortunately, you didn’t meet our criteria. Who knows, maybe we might cross paths again and we can reconsider our position, you do have my card after all, but right now, on behalf of Kingsgate, your tenancy offer is withdrawn.”
He’s really said it. With crystal clarity. My hopes tumble so hard, I could retch.
The asshole wasn’t playing at being a total fucking bastard, he really is withdrawing my tenancy agreement. My mind flicks back to the joy when I viewed it with Ebony. The snow angel I did on the plush carpet, the thoughts of my mum using the incredible kitchen, and plans on how I would furnish their room before they visited. How I’d furnish the rest of it. All the amazing pieces of furniture on my list, a load of them already bought and paid for, ready for delivery.
I hate how my eyes fill with tears.
“You’re a cunt,” I say to Richard. “An absolute cunt.”
He leans in close.
“Only because you won’t give me a piece of yours. Change your self-righteous tune and the tenancy will be valid again. Up to you.”
I shake my head, regardless of the tears threatening to spill. In some ways it would be so easy, I could fuck him like it meant nothing, like he was just a client, and it was just a job, but no. NO. FUCKING. WAY.
“I’ll never change my mind,” I say. “I’d rather burn in hell than suck your dick after this.”
He brushes his suit down with a smirk, but he’s bristling. I can feel it. Such a dent to his ego.
His grin is practically a snarl. “I’d better get upstairs to Miss Yardley. Time is running out now she has two apartments to view instead of one. I think she’ll prefer yours, actually. You can ask her if you ever meet her in passing.”
He brushes against me on his way past, and I want to scream and shout about what a vile piece of shit he is for trying to blackmail me, but what would be the point? My distress would only bring him greater pleasure, and I’m not breaking. I’m not selling myself cheap like I used to, being grateful for the scraps from a dismissive asshole’s table.
I wait until he’s back in the elevator before I let the tears fall in earnest.
I double up and grip my sides as my dreams come crashing down. Everything from the coffee table I was going to have, to the grand moment when I would be able to unveil my new abode to my parents. The pride and happiness I knew I’d see in their eyes.
It cripples me so bad I can hardly walk, wiping my eyes on my blazer sleeve as I stumble along to Josh’s place.
I ring the buzzer, and he opens the door with a flourish – a huge smile on his face to see me there, his eyes so alive. But mine are streaming. I blink them free over and over again.
“What the hell?” he says, but my sobs are so bad I can’t speak.
I throw myself into his arms, just like I planned, but it’s hardly the vision I had in the cab earlier. I’m a wreck. A snivelling wreck in a fake schoolgirl outfit and snotty tears on my sleeve.
But that doesn’t make any difference.
Josh’s arms hold me tight, and he kisses my head as he supports me.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have turned up like this,” I manage to say, but he only squeezes me tighter.
“Don’t worry, Ells,” he tells me through my sobs. “You can turn up whenever you need to, however you like. I’m here, and I’m not letting go.”
Chapter Fifteen
Josh sits me down on the sofa and the words come out in one long splurge when he asks me what the hell happened. My cheeks burn up like a furnace as I recount the humiliation through my sobs. The way Richard looked at me like I was nothing but a piece of cheap pussy for sale.