Page 176 of The Naughtier List
“About time for you to get suited up, no?”
“He won’t be expecting me in a suit. He’s cool with casual.”
Another anomaly. Josh almost always wears a suit to proposals.
We cab it to the proposal, heading North West, and Josh’s foot is tapping in the footwell.
“You nervous?” I ask him, and he shakes his head.
“No. I’m excited. Really, really excited. This is the joint proposal I’ve been dreaming of.”
I take a breath, suddenly anxious I won’t live up to his fantasies. I wonder if he’s been bigging me up to the client. Will I be able to live up to Bodica? Bodica has quite a reputation.
I summon my newfound confidence. I can do this.
“I call you Weston, right?” I ask Josh.
“No, actually. I was going to tell you when we arrived. He knows what my name is. You can be Holly if you like, though, and you can call me Weston if it makes it easier.”
“He knows your name?”
“He knows pretty much everything there is to know about me.”
I shoot Josh another stare, my foot tapping in sync, but his smile gives nothing else away. This is weird.
I try out our profile names in my head.
Weston and Holly. Weston and Holly. Weston and Holly.
It doesn’t sound natural. I’m not sure the name Weston will be top of my list when I come like a horny bitch and wail it out loud. An orgasm won’t be far off, either. I’ve been desperate for cock all day, and when Josh was showering earlier… when I saw him bending over to soap his lovely ass, ready for play…
“Here we are,” the cab driver says, and I jolt back to the present.
A row of huge houses, set back from the road. The one in front of us stands out from the others. You could call it unconventional. The neighbours look like modern urban, upper-class kind of abodes, and his does too, but when we pull up into the private driveway, it’s like driving into a Tim Burton movie set. User 1543 has a huge black door, and black window frames… and a jet-black stone pathway leading up to the entrance. Yeah, he definitely likes goth.
He has period style lanterns on each side of the doorway – black. He has plant pots with twisted vines on either side of the path – black.
This is a goth heaven.
Josh’s grin is incredible as he clicks arrived on the app. I expect to wait until User 1543 lets us in, but Josh opens the door, and gestures me inside.
“Heath?” he calls, and heads on through to another room, but I don’t follow him. Not yet. I’m too overwhelmed by the decor. Black jacquard wallpaper contrasted by strips of white. Modern gothic perfection. He has a huge black framed mirror at the end of the hallway, and above it are some framed pictures…
Black, purple and neon green.
I get a tingle. A knowing. This could be my home, if I was a millionaire. The tiled black and white floor. The grand ebony banister rail. It’s like an Ella and Josh combo of epic proportion.
I start as Josh calls out with a Holly. I get my smile ready and step into what I assume to be a living room, and get another tingle. Jeez, what a place. A massive period looking fireplace, with bookshelves on either side. A purple rug… with flecks of green.
Heath has one of the same cushions as Josh does – the one with the big cartoon lips – only Heath’s is on a black brocade sofa, not a white leather one. Oh yeah, we share tastes… most likely in more areas than home décor.
“He’s just coming,” Josh says and gestures through to a kitchen. “He’s grabbing some wine.”
I hear a rattle of glasses, and resist the urge to peek around the doorway, my heart thumping on high alert and my mouth dry enough to need a decent swig of wine. I reach for Josh’s hand, then realise I shouldn’t. We’re co-workers here, not lovers. I’m just a girl Josh brought along for the ride. Literally.
At that, a figure steps through from the kitchen doorway, and sets three glasses down along with an open bottle of red.