Page 173 of The Naughtier List
“That’s what you are, Josh. You’re a fucking sicko. Ella should come back where she belongs.”
“Three,” Josh says. “And I’ll tell you something.” He steps up close to Connor, putting the bouquet on the side. “Ella belongs right here, at home, with me. I’m not her pimp. I’m her boyfriend.” He looks at my ex like he’s an utter piece of shit. “And you’re not, so suck it up, prick, and get the fuck out of here.”
Connor doesn’t move, just stands there.
Is he going to press the call button? Is he?
“You had your chance,” Josh says.
He yanks Connor’s hood so fast it practically chokes him, then drags him to the front door as Connor swings back like a useless idiot. Josh doesn’t give a toss about Connor’s flailing punch attempts, just launches him right out into the hallway.
“You come back again, there won’t be a countdown,” he says. “Come anywhere near Ella again, or anywhere near Carly again, and you’ll regret it. I’m not Ella’s pimp, Connor. The people that employ us are a damn fucking sight more powerful than that. They’ll castrate you happily, if they get to you before I do.”
The power in Josh’s words gives me shivers. I step out and see Connor lying on the floor like a wide-eyed worm and feel my own power rising.
Connor’s shades and phone are still on the worktop, and I dash back for them. His screen still has my dad’s name showing, but I don’t care. He can call him if he wants to. More fool him.
I toss them out alongside him.
“You forgot these. Fuck off for good now, I’m getting bored with it.”
I take my boyfriend’s hand and give it a squeeze.
“Don’t think this is over,” the prick on the floor says.
But I don’t care. He can threaten as much as he likes. I’ll come through it. We’ll come through it. Josh and I together, whatever it takes.
I’m kissing my boyfriend as I close the door on Connor, giving him the middle finger as it swings shut.
Chapter Thirty-Five
User 1543. Male. 34.
Time for a hot, hard duo. See you soon.
Duration: Six hours.
Proposal price: £12000 each.
I thought Josh would have at least given me some hints or teasers about our first duo by now, but still nothing.
“What kind of stuff does this guy like?” I ask again. “Come on. What’s he into? How hardcore is he on the hardcore scale? It must be extreme for that kind of money.”
Josh raises an eyebrow, playing with me, tapping his nose like usual. “It’ll be a surprise. You can experience it first-hand, no preconceptions.”
I remember being hooded and led through to be beaten, fucked and stung a few weeks ago.
“Sounds like another round with the founders,” I say.
Josh shakes his head, and he’s smiling. “No, no. Nothing like that. This guy has a user profile for starters, but he’s definitely a zip mouther. Totally confidential.”
“All of our clients are.” I look at him. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to blab.”
“I know, baby. I wouldn’t be inviting you if I thought for a second you would. But User 1543 needs total guaranteed privacy.”
I’m intrigued now. Josh’s tone is different than when he normally talks about clients. I look at my boyfriend and get goosebumps up my arms. The smile on Josh’s face says way more than filthy excitement and twelve grand. It screams affection. It screams morning after syndrome.