Page 170 of The Naughtier List
That’s what I’m after tonight.
I’ll have to get the stir fry on quick, since Josh is due back from his proposal early. It’s a relatively easy affair, just a couple who want some decent shared anal. Hardly a biggie.
My sense of normality is widening every day.
I reach the courtyard with a spring in my step. Garlic and ginger in the pan first, then chicken… that’s what I’m thinking about as I reach the tower entrance, until a voice sounds out behind me.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I take a deep breath before I turn and face Mr Megastar. I’d fold my arms if they weren’t loaded with shopping bags, but I nearly drop them regardless.
He’s dressed like he’s an undercover gangster, trying to avoid some fictional paparazzi. He has a baseball cap on, pulled down so low that it’s perched on his ridiculous oversized sunglasses. He’s in a hoodie, sweatpants and training shoes. Great choice for around here.
I glance around the place in case people take him for a dealer and call the police.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“What the fuck do you think I’m doing here? I’ve come for you. I’ve been waiting out here like a twat for nearly an hour.”
I tip my head. “Oh, woe is me. My heart bleeds for you.”
“Love is Life, and Life is Gone just went viral. Two mega hits now.”
I remember that song. I’ve heard him sing it about eight thousand times.
I can’t hold back the sarcasm. “Well done, you. I’d give you a round of applause, but I’m kinda busy right now.”
I know he’s raising his eyebrows, even through his mirrored lenses.
“When did this happen to you? He made you like this, didn’t he? Josh, the arrogant tosser.”
“Josh? The arrogant tosser?! That’s rich. And what do you mean when did this happen to me?”
Connor puts his hands in his pockets, slouching like Mr Cool. He hasn’t even bothered with a token bouquet this time.
“Your attitude. You’re getting really trappy.”
“My confidence, you mean. And let me think about it.” I fake ponder. “Oh yeah, I got that when you finally fucked off and I found some. Nice job with Carly, by the way. Double whammy of being a cunt.” I pause. “How do you know I even live here?”
“I found your address from Carly’s phone, before we broke up.”
“Sneaky bastard. You can add stalker to your repertoire.” I turn towards the door. “Leave me alone, Connor. I mean it.”
“Talking about phones,” he says. “You might want to reconsider, since I’ve got my finger on the call button.”
I hate the spite in his voice. Cocky shit.
“What call button?”
He holds up his phone screen to show me, and there it is, spelled out for me.
My fucking dad.