Page 131 of The Naughtier List
“Hi, Heather,” I say. “I’m really pleased to meet you.”
She pulls me in for a hug of my own, and it’s genuine and warm, like Joshua’s.
“It’s great to meet you, Holly.” She pulls away shaking her head. “Sorry, forgive me. Damnit, Josh!” She sighs. “He was always referring to you as Holly at first, and it’s stuck. It’s Ella, of course. Don’t worry, we’ll all get used to it.” She welcomes me inside. “Honestly. We’ve had Weston, Josh, Cream, Tiffany, Magpie, Amy, and all this name business set Caroline off doing it as well. We’ve had to endure Lina, Callie and Caz, all on the back of Weston and Cream. Urgh.” She shakes her head, smiling in good humour. “Ella, please ignore all this nonsense, we’ll get your name right, I promise.”
I’m grinning back at her, because her smile is so endearing. Josh definitely has her eyes. They are gorgeous. I could listen to her speak for eternity.
My boyfriend sighs as he takes off his jacket and hangs it over the banister. He holds out a hand for mine, and I slip it off with a thanks.
“What name is Caroline going by currently?” he asks. “Is she still Cazzie, or has she changed it again?”
“No, it’s not Cazzie anymore,” Heather says. “It’s Carly now.”
The hairs on my neck prickle. But no. No. It can’t be anything. Just a coincidence.
“Carly,” Josh says. “Right. I’ll try my best to remember.”
His mum leads us through to the kitchen and offers me a drink. I ask for a glass of water, sipping it while I try my best not to freak out. But then I remember what Josh said… about Caroline trying to imitate Tiff… with her pillar box red hair…
Which means she’s Carly. A goth girl with red hair. Probably early twenties. Hangs out in Camden.
No. No chance. It can’t be.
I lean against their countertop as I listen to Josh’s mum tell me how much they’ve all been looking forward to meeting me, and how lovely it is to see Josh so happy again. I want to sink into it, I do, but my legs are starting to feel like jelly.
Carly. A goth girl with red hair. Early twenties… Camden.
“Come on through, let’s introduce you to the family,” Heather says, and leads us into the dining room off to the right. Wow, here they are. Josh’s family waiting in eager anticipation. I feel swamped by the sea of faces, grinning brightly as I try to work out who is who.
Ok, so Emma is married to Craig, and they are sitting together, along with Polly-Anne, Josh’s niece. I see Josh’s sister Sasha – gorgeous – with the same smile as Josh… and the woman beside her with dark blue streaks in her hair must be Georgia. Yes, I’m right. They all confirm their names with bright grins and welcoming waves for me. Phil, Josh’s dad, is at the head of the table. A hot silver fox who smiles and tips his head in greeting, and next to him is Josh’s brother Scott, who barely shoots me a glance and a nod, since he’s so caught up in his phone.
But no Caroline. Not yet.
No Carly. The goth girl with red hair, in her early twenties, who hangs out in Camden.
“Where is our adorable, sweet little sister, then?” Emma asks Heather as Josh and I take our seats at the table.
“Running late apparently. Her boyfriend was doing a gig last night and they overslept.”
A gig.
I feel sick now. Much more sick.
“Caroline’s got a new boyfriend?” Josh asks Emma as Heather rushes back into the kitchen to stir the gravy.
Emma rolls her eyes, in the exact same way Josh does.
“Yes, she has. And in typical Caz style, she wanted to bring him along today. A surprise announcement. Why not pee on your parade, hey?” Emma looks at me. “Sorry, Ella, Caroline just likes to, um… take centre stage sometimes.”
“We’re all so glad you’re here,” Georgia says, “It’s great to see Josh so happy again. He’s been singing your praises nonstop.”
“Caz won’t last with this new guy anyway,” Craig chips in. “She thinks he’s going to be a world famous rockstar, but I doubt it. She’s living in fantasy land, as per.”
I feel my blood running cold.
A wannabe world famous rockstar, with Carly, a redhead goth girl…
“It’s Carly, not Caz anymore, remember?” Georgia reminds him. “Don’t call her Caz or she’ll bite your head off.”