Page 129 of The Naughtier List
Two days of rest and recuperation. That’s what it’s taken me to get over Jack and Eric’s phenomenal cock attack.
Josh has been a superstar, looking after me like I’m suffering with the flu, not recovering from a savage anal battering. I’ve had meals in bed, and long, afternoon Netflix sessions while he’s been resting next to me, and hot foamy baths that he’s prepared and lowered me into, like a fairy princess.
What a guy.
Plus, he’s been spoiling my clit while my ass and pussy are recovering. He cleaned me up when I got back from my proposal, lapping up Jack and Eric’s cum and digging his tongue in as far as it would go. And then, when the taste was all eaten up, my gorgeous boyfriend fucked my sore pussy to stake his claim. Slowly. Deeply. Possessively.
I’m so proud of you, he’d said afterwards as he read my review, and I grinned at him like I was the cat who got the cream.
Hmm, love is a wonderful thing. Josh is definitely husband material.
And now it’s time to show that I might well be wife material…
I’m meeting Josh’s family for lunch in two hours’ time, and I’m absolutely shitting myself.
“They are going to love you,” he assures me yet again as I put on one of my most glitzy necklaces. I’m still my gothic self, but I’m trying to go a little bit posh with it. I have one of my fitted black evening dresses on, with a short velvet jacket and strikingly high black heels, and my catflicks are accentuated by especially thick fake lashes, offset by pale pink lipstick. I smooth down my dress as I check myself in the mirror for the hundredth time.
Josh takes me by the shoulders at that and turns me to face him.
“Relax,” he says. “You could be wearing your PJs and some bright yellow crocs, and they’d still absolutely adore you.”
The niggle in my gut won’t go away, though. It isn’t just about being good enough, or liked enough, or accepted by his family when they get to know me. It’s whether I live up to the woman they met before me – right from the first impression. I know she set the bar high.
She may have been a bitch at the end, but I know they all worshipped her from the moment she first walked into their house and said hello. Josh told me how she fooled them all because she was so regaling, and vivacious, and full of life. So beautiful. Am I going to live up to that? Am I going to be as impressive as her?
“You’re doing the lip thing,” Josh says.
“Yeah, well. I just want to do well, you know?”
“It’s not an exam, and it’s most certainly not a proposal. My family aren’t going to be reviewing your performance and giving you a rating for potential customers.”
“Not on paper, no…”
He wraps his arms around me. “I get it. I’ll probably be crapping myself when I meet your folks for the first time too, especially your dad. He’ll be giving me a serious grilling after what Connor did to you. It’ll take me months to win his approval, not just hours.”
“You have a point there.”
He laughs. “And your parents will be staying in our guest room when they visit, so I’ll have to leg it down the corridor if your dad wants to give me an uppercut. You’ve only got one afternoon to get through. I’ll have two solid weeks of judgement, minimum.”
“I’ll count myself lucky, then.”
“Please do. My family will be counting me very lucky indeed when they meet you. Maybe even Caroline.”
I pull away from him. “Now that’s pushing it too far. I’m well aware she’ll think I’m a piece of crap on her shoe. Tiff has warned me a thousand times.”
“Tiff can keep her mouth shut for once. I think Caroline will love you, actually. You can be two gothic princesses together, hanging out in Camden.”
“I’ll keep my hopes up.”
“Please do.”
Josh’s family live in Beaconsfield, so he gets his car out of the Belgravia tower garage for the journey. I experience his glossy black Merc in its full glory, slipping into the posh leather seats like I’m off to a gala.
I remind myself of his family tree as we set off.
Emma, Sasha, Scott, Josh, Caroline. His parents, Heather and Phil. Emma is married to Craig, and they have Polly-Anne, Josh’s niece. And Sasha is married to Georgia.