Page 14 of Claimed By The Mafia Prince
I try to hold back my tears and force a smile. “Thank you, doctor.”
“Can you give us a moment?” I don’t realize I am holding onto Gianna’s hand for dear life. The doctor nods, a tight smile on her face, and leaves.
Gianna turns to me, her eyes boring into mine, a serious look on her face. “Mel?”
“How do I tell him, G? How do I tell Papa? Daniel?” I am wringing my hands in my lap, unable to keep the tears from spilling.
Gianna pulls both of my hands into hers. “Look at me.” I force myself to look at her through my tears. She wipes my cheeks and smiles. “No matter what Mel, I got you. Forget about everyone else, okay?”
I nod silently, “Okay.” A knock breaks the silence. I say, “Come in.”
The doctor enters with worry creasing her forehead. “Are we okay? We do have options.”
I nod my head no, placing a protective hand over my stomach. “No options. I am keeping the baby.”
She smiles again, clapping her hands together. “Okay, Mama, let’s talk about prenatal meds and get you a referral.”
The ride home with Gianna is silent. My mind is consumed with the word “pregnant.”
I’m pregnant.
I can’t believe this is happening. I’m hardly twenty years old, still trying to figure out who I am and what I want from life. What was I thinking of, not using protection?
Not being on the pill? Letting him stuff his cum back into me? How could I do this to myself?
Fuck me.
Now I'm pregnant with a child that I don’t think I am ready for—in fact, I know I’m not ready for. I never even imagined at this point in my life this would ever happen.
But the worst thing I keep thinking about is Xander. I need to tell Xander, but how? When?
The thought of confronting him with this news makes me want to hide underneath my bed and never come out. Xander and I had only been intimate twice, and we’ve never defined our relationship.
I imagine how Xander will react when I tell him. Will he be angry? Confused? Will he even want to be a part of this child's life?
These thoughts run around in my head, and I don’t even realize we made it back to the apartment until Gianna squeezes my thigh with a lazy smile on her face. I sigh, looking down at my flat stomach on the verge of ballooning with a child.
Gianna whispers, “You don’t owe anybody anything.” I nod as if I believe her, but that's a lie I am willing to tell. I don’t know if I am ready to tell Xander, but I know I can’t lie to his face.
When we enter the house Gianna kisses my cheek. “I’ll bring dinner up to you in a bit. A big helping of rigatoni.”
I nod mindlessly walking up the stairs. All I want is my bed and to forget for a moment, but when I open the door a gust of whiskey and leather washes over me.
Xander sits on my bed in a wrinkled suit staring at his hands. “Xander?” I slam the door behind me. “What are you doing here?”
He doesn’t answer, instead he slowly looks up at me. His hair is covered in sweat, his palms are open and facing up, but my eyes stay connected to the red splotches drenching his shirt, and then the familiar harsh metallic smell of my mother invades my nostrils.
My sunshine. My light in the dark stares at me with her doe-eyes and concern, wrinkling her forehead.
I want to kiss the worry away and tell her I am okay. But I can’t lie to her.
Why did I do this? Why, when I feel myself being pulled to depths of hell, do I want her?