Page 98 of Encore
“That’s right,” Uncle Talon says. “It’s so easy to forget, given everything else, but she was a damned good investigative reporter in her day.”
“True,” Uncle Joe agrees. “She was the one, Tal, who covered your heroics when you came back from your military tour.”
Uncle Talon nods. “She’s the one Jade and I went to for answers before we knew who she truly was. Sometimes I wish we could go back to those days, but then I realize we needed to know everything.” He frowns. “Though it irks me that some of the secrets still died with her.”
Through all of this, I’m listening with one ear.
They continue speaking, but I stop listening. We know all we’re going to know, because Wendy Madigan is dead. Now what we need to do is get the Steel holdings back into their proper hands. The deed that was recorded covers only real property, and the Steels own much more than that. I should know, as I’ve been Dad’s right-hand man since I got out of college.
And it hits me then.
What I’ve been looking for.
I don’t want to work with Dad anymore. I’m tired of the grind. I majored in business to please him, but working outside with Bree for a day made me realize I want to be working on the ranch. Helping that side of the business.
How will I tell him, though? He’s about to lose his best friend and brother-in-law. I can’t put any more on his plate.
I erase that thought only to think of Maddie and how much I’m going to miss her.
I wish she weren’t leaving, but I understand why she has to. She needs to find herself.
I won’t tell Dad today that I want to change my focus. He’ll need me as we work with our attorneys getting all the property in order. But afterward…
As these thoughts are running through my head, Uncle Joe finally stands. “I think we can adjourn for now. Bryce and Dave will be working on the paperwork with our attorneys this coming week, and I… Well, I’ll be in Grand Junction, starting my treatment.”
“And I’ll be with you,” Uncle Talon says.
Uncle Joe shakes his head. “Tal, Melanie will be with me. You don’t have to be there.”
Uncle Talon places a hand on Joe’s shoulder. “You’re my big brother, Joe. I’m going to be there.”
Uncle Joe looks at Uncle Talon, sadness and guilt in his eyes.
I’ve talked to Brock about it. Uncle Joe still feels some guilt from all those years ago for not being able to help protect Uncle Talon.
“Please, Tal,” he says. “This is something I need to do alone. Just my wife at my side.” Then he looks at Bradley and Brock. “And I don’t want you two there either. I can’t bear for you to see me that way.”
“Dad…” Brock begins.
“Do me this favor,” Joe says. “Please.”
Those are the last words spoken at the meeting. We all rise and get on our way.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I’m ready by the time Dave comes by with his truck at two o’clock. I’ve already said my goodbyes to Mom and Dad, but Dad comes out and helps Dave load the truck. They shake hands afterward.
“What was that about?” I ask when Dave gets in beside me.
“What? Shaking your dad’s hand?”
“It’s kind of what guys do, Maddie.”
“I know that.” I twirl my hair around my finger. “I just mean it seemed kind of strange.”