Page 41 of Encore
“Merci,” I mumble as I take the seat.
Dave sits across from me as the maître d’ hands him the wine list.
“Votre serveur sera avec vous dans un instant.” The maître d’ bows and leaves our table.
Dave’s eyes dance. “What do you think so far?”
I dart my gaze around to the other diners. “I think I’m severely underdressed.”
“Don’t be silly. You’d look gorgeous in a potato sack.”
“I kind of feel like that’s what I’m wearing.” I look down at my plain white blouse.
“Are you kidding?” He burns his gaze into me. “Your look is classic. You fit in anywhere, Maddie. The only one who doesn’t believe it is you.”
A young woman wearing simple black pants and a white blouse approaches us. “Good evening,” she says in heavily accented English. “My name is Giselle, and I take care of you this evening. You would like a cocktail?”
“Actually, I’ve ordered a special menu created by the chef, complete with wine pairings,” Dave says. “So no, thank you.”
“Ah, yes. Of course, monsieur. I will speak to Chef and return with your amuse-bouche.” She scurries off into the kitchen.
Before I can think of something witty to say, Giselle is already back.
“Fois gras on baguette,” she says.
Before each of us, she sets a small plate containing a thin piece of toasted baguette covered in something that looks…well, not good.
“What is this?” I ask Dave.
“Fois gras. Goose or duck liver pate.”
I resist the urge to wrinkle my nose. “And they eat this?”
“It’s a delicacy. Try it. You may like it.” He downs his in one bite.
“Why is it so small?” I ask.
“It’s supposed to be small.” He cocks his head. “Hasn’t anyone ever taken you to a nice dinner?”
“Not this nice.” I bring the toasted baguette to my mouth and take a tiny taste. The fois gras is creamy and rich, and the flavor is…okay. Since it’s so small, I’m able to finish it, but I hope the menu doesn’t contain any more liver.
A few moments later, after a busboy clears our plates, Giselle brings the next course.
“Fresh crab meat served with citrus segments, avocado, and a citrus vinaigrette,” she says and leaves quickly.
This I can get behind. I love crab. I take a bite, and the tang of the citrus adds a zest to the crab while the avocado adds creaminess. “Wow. This is fabulous.”
“Better than the liver?” Dave smiles.
“Much.” I take another bite.
“I’m glad you like it. I’ve never been here before, but I did some research, and this place came highly recommended. I was lucky that they had a cancellation and could get us in.”
We finish our salad, and I take a drink of the water that Giselle’s assistant brought earlier. “I thought we were getting wine,” I say.
“With the main course,” Dave says. “Did you want some now?”
“No, that’s fine. Just wondering.”