Page 30 of Encore
“That was quite a pivot.” His eyes smile, but his mouth doesn’t. “Yeah, I did. Thanks to you.”
“No need to thank me. We both got out of that what we needed.”
He looks at me, meets my gaze, and his eyes are… I’m not sure. He looks like he wants to say something to me, but then he doesn’t. Instead, he takes a drink of his coffee.
Our server returns with some croissants, butter, and jam.
“Merci,” Dave says.
“Je vous en prie.” She whisks away.
Dave gestures to the continental breakfast. “Feel like eating?”
I eye the plate of goodies, my stomach growling softly. “Yeah, I do actually. I haven’t eaten since dinner last night. Of course, I couldn’t eat once we got here after that plane ride.”
“Yeah, neither could I.” He shoves the plate of croissants toward me. “Please.”
I take one and smear some butter on it. Then I spoon some jam—it looks to be blackberry—onto my plate as well.
“Weird breakfast,” he says. “They don’t do the bacon and egg thing here.”
“It’ll be fun to try something new,” I say.
“Maybe for you.” He frowns. “I have to have some protein in the morning, or my energy is lacking.”
“I’m sure you can get some.”
“Yeah.” He signals to the server.
“Oui, monsieur?”
“S’il vous plaît, I was wondering… Le bacon?”
I sigh. I’ll put Dave out of his misery. “Do you have bacon and eggs?”
She smiles. “Oui, mademoiselle. Eggs…er…scrambled.” Her accent is heavy, but she got the message across.
I look to Dave. “Scrambled? With bacon?”
“Perfect,” he says.
“Right away,” the server says as she walks back.
“I love bread as much as the next guy,” he says, “but if it’s all I eat, I’ll crash in a few hours.”
“Yeah, simple carbs will do that.”
“But that’s all you’re eating.”
I shrug. “It’s all I want right now. I’ll get something else when I need it.”
He nods.
I pull my croissant into halves, spread butter and jam on one, and take a bite.
It’s warm and flaky, and the butter is delicious. Sweet butter, not salted like it is in the US. The jam isn’t too sweet either. It’s perfect.
“Good?” Dave asks.