Page 20 of Encore
A few moments later, Brianna leaves, walking down the hallway to Jesse’s room. They’re only two doors down, and I’m okay. I watch them go to the room and close the door behind them.
I’m about to close my own door when I hear the elevator ding, and off steps Dave Simpson.
I’m ready to close the door so he doesn’t see me when he looks up and meets my gaze.
Too late now.
“Hey,” I say softly.
He walks up to me. “Is this your room?”
I look down at what I’m wearing. “No, I’m just standing here in my pajamas for good measure.”
He gives me a weak smile. “Looks like I’m right here, across the hall from you.”
“Good. Brianna and Jesse are two doors down.” I gesture.
“I thought Brianna was staying with you tonight.”
“She was, but Jesse came by to check on us, and I let her go. I have to get through this on my own. I can’t be leaning on anyone.”
He nods. “I know what you mean.”
I blink a few times before speaking. “So… Good night, then.”
“Good night.” He hovers his key card over the door and opens it.
And I should go back into my room, close the door behind me.
But I don’t.
I stand there.
He opens the door, and he closes it, but just as it’s about to click, he opens it again. “Maddie?”
“I…don’t want to be alone.”
I scratch my arm. “Neither do I, Dave, but I think maybe it’s better if we are.”
“There’s so much going through my head right now.”
“I know,” I say. “Me too.”
He breathes out slowly. “Maybe we could just…hold each other.”
This is Dave Simpson. The last Rake-a-teer standing. And he wants to hold me?
He really is shaken up.
“Do you think that’s wise?”
He scoffs. “For Christ’s sake, Madeline, I don’t know what the hell is wise or not.”
I cock my head. “Madeline?”
“Seemed like a Madeline moment.” He runs his hands through his hair. “I’ve just been thinking, my whole life is just…”