Page 10 of Encore
But he’s gone. No longer there.
Disappeared into oblivion.
The plane shudders again, and —
I plunge into the water, thrashing my arms. “Jesse!” I sputter. “Jesse!”
Until saltwater fills my mouth, and I can’t breathe…
Can’t breathe…
Can’t breathe…
My eyes shoot open. Cold perspiration crawls over my face, and I clutch my chest. My heart is racing like a freight train, and I swallow, grabbing the bed linens with the other hand. The nightmare fades like mist, leaving only the echoes of terror behind.
I’m here, in the Paris hotel.
The sound of the shower pelting comes through the bathroom door. Maddie.
I’m here.
On solid ground.
Not trapped in the air. Not plunging into the English Channel.
I’m here.
Tears well in my eyes. How odd that I haven’t cried before now?
There were a few tears on the plane, but I didn’t actually cry.
I want Jesse.
I need Jesse.
But I can’t leave Maddie.
Where’s my phone?
My purse sits on the night table. I rise and grab it, finding my phone. I call Jesse.
“Brianna?” he answers. “Are you okay?”
I take a deep breath, trying to ease my nerves. “I just needed to hear your voice. I had a… Maddie’s in the shower, and I was lying on my bed, and… I’m tired. So tired. So I closed my eyes, and it all came back, Jesse. It all came back.”
I hear his clothes rustle as he jumps to his feet. “I’m coming.”
“No, no. I just wanted to hear your voice. I’ll be okay.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Are you in your room?”