Page 24 of Duty Bound
She let out a shaky breath. For a moment, she thought he meant talking about what happened between them, but that was ridiculous. This was Blade, Special Forces operative and all-round tough guy. He didn’t talk about anything as sensitive as emotions.
Besides, nothing had happened between them.
Only a mistake.
It was too bad they’d missed the evacuation but good to know they still had options. She didn't have a clue what they were, but she’d soon find out. After all, that was what he did.
Survive. Evade. Resist. Extract.
She’d heard Joe say it many times, particularly at the beginning of his Special Forces career.
Lily walked over to the bucket of water. It wasn’t so bad. This time yesterday her prospects had been bleaker. She never would have expected to be rescued, particularly by Blade Wilson, of all people. Now they were on the run from the Taliban, hiding out in an abandoned cabin.
Things were looking up.
If anyone could get them out alive, it was Blade. According to Joe and Pat, operators weren’t made much better than him.
Lily gasped as she stuck her hand into the bucket. It was icy cold.
“No heating,” was all he said.
No privacy, either. She glanced over her shoulder to check whether he was watching her.
He was.
“I'll go outside until you're done,” he said, and left the cabin without another word.
At least he had some intuition.
Left alone, Lily got to work. She needed this wash. It had been three days since her last shower, and she’d done a lot of miles in that time. God, she must stink. How could he have come near her, let alone kissed her.
Like that.
Stripping down to her underwear, she used the rag and a bar of soap that had been left on the shelf next to the bucket and got to work. She washed every inch of herself, including her hair, removing all traces of the last few days.
The traumatic hike at gunpoint to the village, the fetid mattress, the dirty cave, the escape through the tunnel, and the long walk here.
Added to that was Blade’s touch, his smell, and the way he made her feel.
At least the icy water had cooled her cheeks.
When she was done, she used one of the army blankets to dry herself. The fibers were harsh and scratched her skin, but she didn’t care. It felt glorious to be dirt-free.
Next, she shook her clothes vigorously, wincing at the dust that puffed out. They were dirty and stained, but she didn’t have anything else. She eyed out the backpacks. Pulling the blanket around her, she went to the door.
“Er, Blade?”
He spun around, his gaze locking on the blanket. “Yeah?” She saw his jaw muscles working.
“Is there a clean shirt or something I can put on? My clothes are disgusting.” She bit her lip, waiting for his response. He looked furious for some reason, his neck and shoulders so tense the veins were sticking out.
He cleared his throat. “Yeah, in the packs.”
She stood back as he entered the cabin. He skirted around her, back to the door frame, keeping his distance like she had the plague. Maybe he thought she was going to kiss him again.
Well, no worries there. She wouldn’t make that mistake again.