Page 19 of Duty Bound
His had been to join the Special Forces.
Glaring daggers at Blade’s back, she followed him farther into the forest. Dense trees blocked out the moonlight, and dark shadows loomed in front of them.
“You do know where you’re going, right?”
He shot her a look hinging on disbelief.
“Okay, fine. Sorry I asked.”
But she had noticed that every few yards he’d turn to check on her, to make sure she was still stumbling along behind him. He was a good soldier, she’d give him that much.
On they went. Her feet were aching, her back breaking. Weren’t they ever going to stop? There was no more talking, the only noise—other than her footsteps—came from small animals scurrying into their burrows as they approached.
Blade seemed to glide through the undergrowth, barely making a sound, which was bizarre given his immense frame and those enormous boots he was wearing. Easily six foot four or five, with muscles bursting out from under his shirt and shoulders that could carry two men.
He was strong too. When he’d lifted her up in the vertical tunnel, he’d done so effortlessly, as if she weighed nothing more than that blasted rifle he carried with him. Heat stole into her cheeks as she thought of how she’d had to rub against him to get out.
No way was she going to dwell on how hard his body had been, how firm. How he’d smelled so masculine that it had awakened a longing in her that she hadn’t experienced since Joe.
Lily stumbled, only just catching her footing.
“You okay?” he growled, barely turning his head.
“I’m fine.” God, how she missed Joe’s body. Missed having his arms around her at night. Most of all, she missed his smile of delight when he woke up next to her in the morning, like she was this wonderful surprise he hadn’t been expecting. Even after ten years together, he still did it.
Had done it.
Joe was gone. Why couldn’t she get her thick head around that?
They walked on for another hour, until the sun started to poke its sleepy head over the distant purple mountains. Her breath had grown ragged, her body beyond fatigued. “How much longer?”
He stopped so suddenly, she bumped into his back. An oomph escaped her.
Solid. Wall.
Yet she was too exhausted to apologize.
His dark eyes roamed over her. Was that concern she saw in them? Couldn’t be. She must have imagined it. He didn’t give a damn about her. He just wanted to get her out of here so he could go home. It was written all over his body. She was just another job, a mission he had to fulfill.
“There’s a cabin not far from here. I was hoping to reach it before daylight.”
She gave a weary nod.
He handed her the water bottle. “Drink.”
Hey, she wasn’t about to argue. Lily downed what she could, dribbling down her chin. Who would have thought water tasted so good?
“Easy,” he said softly.
She wiped her mouth and handed it back. “Thanks.”
“You think you can manage another mile or so?”
Another mile. Shoot. At this point she didn’t know if she could manage another step. “I can try.”
He gave a curt nod, then re-attached the water bottle. It was nearly empty now. Hopefully there were supplies at this cabin, wherever that was.
They set off again, but it was too much. Her mind was willing, but her body rebelled. When was the last time she slept? Twenty-four hours ago? Forty-eight? She was too tired to work it out.