Page 94 of To Be Fated
“I’m leaving when you see I’m not pregnant.”
A look of pure hurt crosses his face and I almost regret my words. Almost.
He reaches for my hand and takes the key from me. I give it up easily, making sure his skin doesn’t touch mine, and I take a step back. I don’t want him to touch me. His touch is a drug to me, a spell I wish I could break.
“I’m taking this though. There’s no reason for you to lock the door.”
“Why didn’t you just break it down?” He looks at me with pain in his eyes.
“Sit down and I’ll tell you.”
“I don’t care enough to obey you.” I walk away from him to go wash my heated face down with cool water. I look back over my shoulder to add, “I’m not your pet anymore.”
I have to admit I’m curious. But he doesn’t get to command me anymore. I won’t submit to someone I don’t trust. To someone who was going to use me and spit me out when I didn’t produce an heir for him. I’m all too aware how much he could hurt me. I wish he’d just do it, just show me the monster he is so I could stop feeling so much for him. That’s going to hurt me in ways no beast can.
His footsteps are heard over the sound of the running water. My fingers slip beneath it, feeling how cool it is and waiting for it to warm just slightly.
His question is murmured. “Have you heard of the purge?” He sighs deeply as he takes a seat on the bench by the large soak-in tub that he bathed me in. Peeking over my shoulder, I’m caught in his gaze, which shines with grief and memories that never leave. I nod my head and swallow thickly.
“I’ve been told stories,” I answer him. One dragon wanted all the wealth, all the power. He tricked the others into a gathering and decimated them. All but the three young dragons. It’s rumored they possess a dangerous combination of magic. My body shudders as I remember how scared I was when I first walked into the throne room. To see the three of them, together. It’s a truly intimidating sight.
“So you know how my uncle killed the other dragons and then tried to kill us?” I turn sharply at the counter to face him.
“Your uncle? That’s awful. How could your own family betray you like that?”
“Yes, he was my uncle.” With my back to the vanity, I grip the edge of it and watch Drago as he tells me the story. “My mother was a magic dragon, like Cyrus. She had the most beautiful green eyes. It’s all I really remember about her.” My heart aches for him, knowing how painful it can be to lose everyone in your life. Well almost everyone, save his brothers. At least I knew it was coming. I always had someone up until last week.
“She sealed the doors when the purge happened. She used the last of her strength to seal each of our doors with her magic.” He isn’t emotional speaking about it. But I can still feel his pain. “We listened to it. To their screams. It was over quickly, believe it or not. It can’t have been more than minutes that passed.” My eyes fall to the floor as I imagine such tragedy. I want to go to him and comfort him. But then I realize that’s probably what he wants. Is he using this to get to me? To make me surrender and cave to him. I hate the feeling of betrayal that comes over me.
“With the key in the locks, no harm will come to those concealed by the doors.” He looks past me to his bedchambers. “Luckily he wore himself out trying to get our doors open.” He shakes his head. “My uncle was a brute but a coward.” Anger fumes from him as his eyes flash red. “He was so tired from trying to get through the door he didn’t see as Cyrus’s magic lulled him to sleep. He was too afraid to call out to us and risk waking him though. So he stayed in his room listening to our uncle breathe on the other side of the door until Galen and I gathered up the strength to open our doors. I will never break down the’s all that’s left of our mother.”
“I’m sorry, Drago.” My voice is hoarse and cracks at the end. He stands and makes a move to brush my cheek as my eyes turn glassy with tears, but I turn away from him. My heart aches worse than ever before, and at this point it could be a number of things causing the pain.
After a long moment of silence, he says, “I’ll give you space, but you need to eat. I still want to feed you.”
I don’t bother trying to suppress the need to roll my eyes. “I’m not going to starve myself over you, Dr—” I’m stopped by his hand suddenly grabbing my chin.
“I’ll give you space, treasure, because I know you need time right now. But watch your mouth, Kara.” He leans down and steals a forceful kiss from me. His lips are like fire, and they burn a deep need inside of me. I’m breathless as he pulls back, my heart hammering at his brutal touch. “I’m keeping tabs of all your insolence.”
He lets go of me and moves his hand away fast enough that I can’t do a thing but attempt to regain my balance.
He scents the air and looks at me with a threat dancing in his eyes. My cheeks burn with embarrassment. I wish his threat didn’t just send an intense wave of arousal to my core. “No pleasuring yourself, treasure.” I part my lips but bite back my snide comment as his heated look meets mine. I glance down and see his hardened dick and then back up to him.
“So you can get yourself off all you want while I have to be in discomfort because you’re a lying prick?” I huff out in anger. “You forgot, I’m not your pet to boss around anymore.”
“Watch it treasure; you’re really pushing me.” His eyes spark red and I can practically feel his beast. I want to push him. I want him to hold me down like he did last night. I want him to punish me and own me. He takes a sharp inhale, sensing my need for him. I quickly close my eyes and turn back to the sink. Ignoring the sexual tension between us.
“I’ll be back here for lunch.”
“I already ate.” It’s a lie, but he can’t know that. He opens his mouth to question me but then he seems to remember the tray on the bed, and he literally curses under his breath. I bite back my smile.
“I’ll see you for dinner then.”
“Fine.” I agree just so he’ll leave me. But he stays and watches as I wash my face.
I pat my skin dry with a plush hand towel and catch his eyes in the mirror. “What?” I keep my tone even.
“I truly am sorry, Kara. And I do love you.” I stare at him for a moment. I want to believe him, but I don’t. There’s no reason he should love me. He only loves that he thinks I could give him dragonlings.