Page 70 of To Be Fated
“Our town isn’t protected, so I’ve gotten used to things…happening. People missing, or…” I don’t finish the thought. I’m sure he understands. “We were planning to leave, as soon as we heard the protests and debates starting. But the process to be admitted into another town is long. It didn’t happen in time.”
“Where did they take you?”
“I don’t know,” I answer, hating the vision that flashes in front of me and wishing I could stop the memories or erase them altogether.
“Do you know why they took you?”
“To drain, like I said. They were taking blood from the humans to sell. Apparently using humans is efficient. We regenerate our blood fast enough to take what they need, then they come back and take again. Reusing us for their profits.” I remember the cages, the leather straps that held us down and bit into our skin…the needles. It smelled like shit and blood. The thought has bile rising in my throat, but I push it down.
“They told me I was too thin to reuse so I’d need to eat more.” I shrug my shoulders as if it wasn’t the most horrific moment of my life, remembering how they tried to force me to eat. “Even when they put a tube down my throat, I was able to throw the food back up. I didn’t want to live like that. I’ll never let someone use me.”
There’s a long moment of silence and then he’s no longer there; the warmth vanishes. The bed dips and groans as the insecurities run rampant through me and Drago climbs off the bed. I question my decision to tell him everything. It was foolish; what was I thinking? As the silence continues, I wonder if he no longer wants to keep me, to heal me like he said he did. I swallow thickly. It’s fine if he doesn’t, I tell myself. The thought makes my chest hurt and I’m not sure why. It’d be better if he didn’t; I’d have my freedom.
“You’re safe now.” I turn slightly so I can see him and when he doesn’t tell me to remain as I was, I turn fully over, covering myself with my arms as best as I can. He walks in front of me and leans down to move the hair from my face. “I’ll take care of you.” Maybe I should be ashamed that I’m skeptical that he’ll take care of me, maybe I should be ashamed that I feel a slight reprieve from his statement.
I don’t know anything anymore, let alone what I should think. All I know is that I’m exhausted and beyond my depths.
The light of the fire lining the walls of the room casts a shadow over his tall frame, making the deep lines of his muscles appear more rippled as he walks to an antique dresser. The sight of his bare back flexing as he opens the drawer makes me turn onto my side and face away from him. I can’t take the fire he ignites deep in my core. My cheeks flame as I push the dirty thoughts away. I think of the teachings in school. The letters of the ancient languages. Anything to keep the thoughts of him on top of me, ravaging me, out of my head.
My body jolts as his large hand comes down on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality.
His hand stills and his tone is gentle when he says, “I didn’t mean to frighten you. Wear this until I can find something more suitable.” He places a large, button-down shirt next to me on the bed. Without hesitation, I grab the fine fabric and hold it tight to my chest, hiding me from his prying eyes. He gives me a tight smile and turns his gaze toward the door. “I’m going to get you something to eat.”
I watch every move he makes and do my best to judge his thoughts and reactions, but I’m left with nothing other than insecurities I wish didn’t exist.
As he nears the door, he takes a key out from just below the knob. I hadn’t realized that he’d locked the door…and left the key in it.
That’s odd. Surely he knows that I’d simply be able to unlock the door and leave. He sets the key on a small, dark, antique table and opens the door to leave. Then he looks back at me and back at the key, all the while strumming his fingers on the door frame. He cocks a raised brow in a humorous fashion that I didn’t expect.
The humor forces my lips to twitch up, and once again there’s a warmth I don’t expect to feel and yet can’t deny. I smirk at his back as he palms the key and pockets it on his way out. He’s smart to take it; I have to admit I would be tempted to lock the door if given a chance.
Although it is just a door, and I am not naïve. The state of my predicament leaves me with a chill as I’m left alone in his bed. If I locked him out, I’m sure nothing would stop him from busting through the door. I take a moment to admire the intricate carvings that seem to shimmer with the low light from the flames.
A small shiver runs through my body, so I quickly put the shirt on. It’s far too big, but at least it’s something. I don’t know what to think. A week ago, I was just me. A shit life in a shit town knowing more awful things were bound to happen. And then they did, and I fought it tooth and nail like I’d prepared to do. But now…
I just don’t know how to react so I can survive this too. My stomach rumbles in pain and I curl into a ball on the bed. I was so stupid not to eat, but at least the vampires decided I wasn’t worth the trouble and gave me away.
The sight of Drago on his throne flashes in my memory. I close my eyes and sigh as warmth flows through me. After a moment the chill returns and I cautiously pull back the covers. I sit cross-legged and stare at the door.
As if on cue, there’s a knock. Every muscle tightens as I stare wide-eyed at the unlocked door. As a fear slips in that it could be someone else, the door opens and Drago enters. Only something feels off. I pull the covers closer to my body and up to my chest. He gives me a questioning look and tilts his head in an odd way. My eyes travel along his body. I don’t feel the same lust for him as I did only minutes ago. My back stiffens as he slowly walks toward the bed. His gait is different; something is wrong, and I don’t feel anything I felt a moment ago. His lips part and then his eyes close as he inhales deeply. His hands land down hard on the post of the bed and his knuckles turn white as his fists clamp the carved wood frame. His grip is so strong I can only imagine he’s going to destroy it.
My heart hammers and I struggle to speak. Something’s happened and I don’t know what.
I don’t feel threatened by his actions, it’s not threatening in the least. Although I can’t imagine why he seems to be holding himself back from me. Maybe he’s going to shift. The thought is as exhilarating as it is frightening. I’ve never seen a dragon, but I would love to. After a moment he seems to catch his breath and relax his grip, but he doesn’t move. I don’t understand. My brows furrow, and I swear he was wearing darker leather pants. I search his face again and notice a small scar I hadn’t seen earlier. My breath freezes in my lungs.
This is not Drago.
The three brothers are nearly identical, but I know that whoever this is, it’s not Drago. As if to prove me right, his eyes open and flash reptilian. But instead of the frightening red color I expect, his irises turn a bright green.
A fear like no other runs through me.
I kick against the mattress and push my body backward until my shoulders slam into the headboard. Fuck, my head bashes against the hard frame. My heart races and all I can hear is his ragged breath and my blood rushing in my ears. My breath comes in pants as I stare back at him with wide, frightened eyes.
His eyes return to normal and his breathing calms. He slowly raises his hands in the air, palms toward me, and takes a step away. My muscles remain coiled though. I don’t trust him whatsoever and I’m not ready to die.
“I apologize,” his voice is calm and slow, but he speaks clearly. “I was not anticipating that.”
My lips part but the words don’t come. Swallowing thickly, I remind myself I cannot afford to appear weak. I will not be intimidated by him. I barely manage the question “Who are you?”