Page 63 of To Be Fated
“I agree. But she’s gone.” It hurts to say the words. I think back to my sweet, innocent Kiera. I should have made her my mate as soon as I was able. We were so young though. Neither of us had truly learned to live yet. I remember kissing her in the towers. She’d pull away and smile shyly when things were just getting good. A small smile appears on my lips. If only I could turn back time, I’d never let her leave me. I would have loved her with everything I had.
“There’s no use in regret.” Cyrus’s normally playful tone is gone. His hard voice breaks the happiness of my memory. “They’re all gone and they’re never coming back.”
“When did you become the serious, cynical one?”
He huffs a laugh, “You were the one getting all glassy-eyed.”
“You don’t know what it’s like to have loved and lost.”
“Sure I do. Just as well as you.” A grim look passes quickly over his face. I know he’s thinking about the purge. About the betrayal. My blood runs slow and cold as the memory consumes me. I remember the screams, and our mother locking us in the room. I’ll never forget how the door shook and how Drago stood in front of us, prepared and fearless and ready to fight them off. That day we united as we were meant to. The day greed nearly brought an end to our species. “You may have another one to love if this woman Victor speaks of actually exists.”
I’m grateful for Cyrus’s words as they bring me back to the present. I snort in response and push the doors to the study open. “Let’s find out who this Isabella is. I’m sure our scouts know something.”
“What about Drago?”
“What about him?” My dragon rises and paces, daring him to question my claim to Isabella.
“What is with you two? So fucking possessive all of a sudden.” He shakes his head with a smirk. “What the hell happened back there with Drago and that girl?”
I relax my shoulders and my dragon settles. “I have no idea. It’s been a long time since he’s shown any interest.”
“That was more than simple interest. I wonder what it is about her that caused him to take her and run like that.” I take my seat, worn leather that holds both comfort and memories at the desk, and type in my password as Cyrus takes his seat across from me. His expression is one of contemplation. “She doesn’t look familiar to me. Do you recognize her?”
I shake my head with a frown. “I’ve never seen her before.”
“Well, what the hell does he want with her?”
“I can only imagine one thing.” Even as the words leave my mouth, I question them. He hasn’t taken a woman in years that I know of. My finger taps against the keyboard aimlessly as I consider Drago’s motive. “Perhaps he’s fond of her. Maybe she reminds him of someone.” I think back to Kiera. If I’d found someone who reminded me of her, I’d hold on as tight as I could.
“I don’t buy it.”
I quirk a brow at him. “Why don’t you go ask then?”
A smile slowly forms on his face as he rises. The seat he’d taken no doubt still cold. “You know, I think I will.”
My brow cocks as his wheels turn and he paces around the desk. His hand comes down on the back of my chair and he leans forward. “But first, let’s talk to our contacts at the Authority and see who this Isabella is.”
My thoughts are almost spoken, but I swallow them down. I hope she exists. I’ve wanted for so long to feel a connection with someone. Even if she doesn’t love me back, I’ll at least have our children. She will grow to love me, I’m sure.
I do my damndest to bury the hope deep down. It hurts worse and worse each time I’ve tried to bond and mate. But I can’t help it blooming in my chest with a fire that will never go out. I want her to exist. I need to cling to the possibility of this Isabella being my mate.
With a deep steadying breath that’s barely contained, I carry her down the hall, calming myself and my dragon.
I have her.
I have her to myself.
That’s all that matters.
She’s still in my grasp, but I’m all too aware she’s on edge and filled with contempt.
It’s a difficult task to open the door to my bedchamber with my little treasure in my arms. The moment I loosen my grip she struggles against me and kicks hard against my thigh. My hackles raise as I resist every urge inside me. Her kicks don’t hurt me. There’s no way she could ever harm me, but she does shove her weight against me enough to slip out of my grasp. Her small, frail body lands hard on the floor. A small whimper escapes her as her shoulder slams against the marble. Her face reflects the pain as she winces and sucks in air through her clenched teeth.
I despise that she’s trying to get away from me, but even more that she’s hurt herself in the process. Her palms press against the hard floor as she tries to rise. I quickly snatch her small waist and hold her to me as I unlock the door and throw it open. She barely fights against me as I close the door and lock it, a habit I’ve had since we were younger. She writhes against me, and as much as I hate it, the fact that she’s mine, in my chambers, eases any doubt. I will have her. She will have me. It’s only a matter of time.
In the silence, she fights, but it’s useless. I don’t have to tell her so; all I have to do is wait a moment. She appears defeated as she cries in my arms. My dragon hates her pain. He claws inside me with a need to comfort her. I do my best to soothe them both, holding her tightly to me so she cannot fight before quickly laying her down on my bed. She scrambles slightly, eyeing me and then stiffening in a defensive position. The bed groans in protest as I sit next to her, but she scurries to the other side as quickly as she can.