Page 70 of The Wrong Husband
But even as I hoped and dreamed that maybe this could be my life, I waited every day for Damian to tell me it was time to move on and that he'd signed the divorce papers.
At times I wanted to ask him when he wanted to go ahead with the separation, but I didn't have the courage to hear him put a deadline on my happiness.
Damian was a good man. A decent man. He helped out at home. He didn't throw his money around like I'd seen my parents and Bianca do; and they had far less than the Archer family. He did believe in living comfortably as I had learned.
He knew how to do dishes and which side of the vacuum cleaner was up.
Liza came to take care of us once a week. All our clothes were laundered. I hated going to the basement to deal with the coin laundromat, so I didn't mind that luxury.
Liza stayed for dinner the days she came; and though in the beginning she felt uncomfortable eating with Damian and me, she soon got used to it. On Monday nights she cooked; and the three of us ate together. Damian never indicated he didn't want to eat with the help. He was genuinely curious about Liza's life and later told me he was appalled at how little he knew about someone who had been taking care of him for years.
Duncan mentioned the Annual Archer Galleries Gala that took place in early September. "Hottest party in Frisco," Moana said.
"I can get you an invite. The family always has a couple of tables reserved," Duncan offered.
"And how would you introduce me?" Moana asked dryly.
"A friend?"
"Thanks, Duncan but this gala stuff is too rich for my taste." Moana took a spoonful of flan and made appreciative sounds as she ate. "And many of the guests have probably been my clients at some point."
"How about you, Emilia?" Duncan asked. "Too rich for your tastes."
I looked at my plate, suddenly feeling embarrassed about how to answer this question. Did I know about the gala? Yes. Did I want to go with Damian? Oh God yes. Had he asked me? No.
"I haven't brought it up with her," Damian admitted, surprising me. "I wanted to discuss it with you before I committed. If it makes you uncomfortable, we don’t have to go."
"Mom will kill you in your sleep," Duncan warned.
"I sleep with my wife, I'm not worried," Damian joked. The way he said my wife made all my lady parts dance with joy.
Even Moana had mentioned how Damian seemed to be good people and was obviously smitten with me.
"Do you want to go?" I asked in a low voice.
"Only if you're with me." He brushed his lips against mine.
I gave him a shy smile. Maybe, maybe, maybe we were in a real marriage, and this was my happily ever after. I kept thinking he married the wrong sister, had the wrong wife but now I wondered if he thought I was the right wife for him.
"I would love to come with you."
Duncan grinned. "This will be entertaining."
"It'll be a shitshow," Damian agreed.
"Why?" Tech wanted to know.
"Cause my ex who is Emilia's sister will be there as will her parents who've disowned her for marrying me," Damian clarified.
"You rich people have lives like a telenovela," Torture remarked.
"And I'm not even rich," I shuddered.
Chapter 23
My wife looked like a fucking dream—still Emilia, but the most beautiful version of her I had ever seen.