Page 39 of The Wrong Husband
I didn't want to lie to my mother; but I didn't want to reveal things about Bianca that she didn't need to know. She thought of her as a daughter. No good would come out of maligning her name—and that would lead to tension between the Winters and the Archers.
"I told you already, Mom, we're attracted to each other, and it was an impulse in Vegas."
"So, you understand that this marriage needs to end?"
I didn't know how to answer that—not anymore. It had all seemed so clear in the beginning and now it was murky as hell.
"Will you and Bianca get back together once this marriage is dissolved."
"I don't think so."
"Why not? She loves you. I know you love her. She's very different from Emilia…she's Archer daughter-in-law material."
Except she lets Stanton stick his dick inside her.
"Why do you say that?"
"Emilia is a mouse. Bianca is a lioness."
I wasn't sure about that, but I also didn't want to argue the point. I barely knew Emilia—sure she was my wife, but she was still a mystery to me.
"So, what are your next steps?" Mom picked up a pen and played with it. "I'm moving her in with me. The minute the media finds out where she lives there will be hell to pay."
"I don't think you should do that."
"Not your call to make, Mom."
"She needs a studio," Mom snapped.
“I'll convert one of the spare guestrooms into a studio."
Mom waved a hand at that. "That's not enough space. Let's let her use the artist's studio here."
I raised both my eyebrows. The studio space at Archer Galleries was coveted and only our most seasoned artists were allowed to be part of that exclusive club.
"You sure about that?"
"Have you seen her work?"
I was ashamed to say that I hadn't. I shook my head.
"You should. It's…she's…impressive."
"The other artists are not going to appreciate her just taking a space without her paying her dues as they had to," I pointed out.
"If she can't handle a bunch of artists, how on earth is she going to handle being your wife? Maybe this way she'll get that message loud and clear."
If I was a better man, I'd tell my mother that I manipulated Emilia into marrying me for the most ulterior of motives. Since I was a piece of shit, I simply said, "I'm going to take her out for lunch. We need to talk about rings."
"I thought you gave her the one you got for the woman you were in love with a minute ago. For your information, Bianca found it very humiliating and heartbreaking."
Sadly, Mom was all Team Bianca.
"Em told Duncan it wasn't her style and as you pointed out it was insensitive of me to give her another woman's ring."
"I don't think you should give her a new ring. It might give her the wrong idea. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that you should pursue an annulment and end this now. We'll manage the PR."
I knew Mom was trying to be practical about the whole thing but why the hell did we need so many killers in one family?