Page 63 of The Wrong Wife
"I’m asking you."
"It seems you and I have a different understanding of the meaning of ask." I cross my arms across my chest. "Anyway, I don’t want to."
His gaze narrows. "Remember, you’re my employee. You’ll do as you’re told."
I curl my fingers into fists. Oh, yeah. It all comes down to money, after all. And the fact that he paid for my mother’s care, and now I owe him.
Silence falls in the shop. The tension is so thick, it feels like it's squeezing in on me. Tiny plants his butt on the ground and whines.
Knight looks down at him. A strange looks comes over his face. He shakes his head, then his chest inflates. Without looking up at me he mutters, “Please.”
"One stupid word from him, and I gave in," I mumble under my breath as I follow Karma inside the changing room. It’s a spacious space with clothes hanging on a rack on one side, a mirror that covers the entire side of one wall, and a spacious chaise. We left Knight and Tiny, who strained on his leash to follow us, until Knight managed to distract him with the treat he was carrying in his pocket. And when did he slip the pack of doggy biscuits into the pockets of his perfectly cut jacket? And was that softness I spied on his features when Tiny wolfed down the first biscuit, then looked up at him with his big, melting eyes to ask for more?
Karma pulls out one of the dresses from the rack and holds it out to me. It’s a wine-colored skirt and jacket ensemble with a pink sleeveless blouse… And they seem to be my size.
"How did you—?" I begin to ask, then notice the look on her face. "Knight?"
"Knight." She nods. "He messaged me your measurements, with strict recommendations of what he wanted to see you in."
"He did?" I rub the back of my neck. "This is very confusing. Not the dress—" I glance away, then back at her. "He really is only my boss, honestly."
"You don’t have to convince me." She peers into my features. "You’re Abby’s friend, Knight is Abby’s brother; I feel like I know the two of you, though I only met Knight once and I’ve only seen you a couple of times. So, do you mind if I say something from the perspective of my experience?" She rolls her eyes. "That came out all prissy and made me sound so old. I only meant, I’ve been through what you have, so I wanted to say, be patient."
"Oh,"—I begin to chew on my thumbnail—"afraid it’s not one of my virtues. Also, patient with what exactly?"
"With him." She jerks her chin in the direction of the doorway leading to the waiting room. "Abby’s told me what he’s been through, and if he’s half as hardheaded as my alphahole husband, you’re going to have to give him time to come around."
"Alphahole?" I bark out a laugh.
"Yep, that’s what these men are. Don’t you agree? Alpha and dominant, and hot and sexy but also, obstinate and stubborn, and willful and mulish, and sometimes, simply bloody-minded."
"I call him bosshole." I stab a thumb over my shoulder.
"I heard you." Knight’s voice reaches us through the open doorway.
We stare at each other, then burst out laughing. "Oh, my god, I had no idea he could hear us," I whisper. Also, did the alphahole crack a joke? Is he thawing? No doubt, it’s because of Tiny. Clearly, his friends knew what they were doing when they insisted he take care of the Great Dane. Nothing like the unselfish love of a fur baby to help you get in touch with your humane side. It’s also a means for him to think of something other than his past. He’s going to have to be focused on Tiny’s needs. Making sure the dog is fed and watered and walked and— Apparently, he means to take him to work, so he’ll have to keep him entertained, too. Did he think that one through? Probably not, typical man that he is.
"Well, I’ll leave you to try out these clothes." Karma gestures toward the rack. There’s a mix of office wear and also gowns.
"They look amazing. I can’t believe I’m going to try on a Karma West Sovrano original."
* * *
"Penny? I’m waiting!" That’s the second time the alphahole has banged on the door to the dressing room. His voice is impatient, and I can all but see the nerve throbbing at his temple. Not to mention, his flared nostrils. A-n-d, I have to stop conjuring up his features when he’s not in front of me.
"Penny, I won’t ask again." There’s a thread of steel in his voice that warns me he’s not above breaking the door down and coming in.
"Oh, for hell’s sake." I take one last look at myself, then slide my feet into the new three-inch high stilettos, which are real Christian Louboutin's, unlike the knockoffs I’ve been wearing up until now—
And how did he know that’s the brand I love? You know what? I don’t want to know. His level of knowledge about me is verging on being too intimate to be comfortable. And I thought he didn’t pay any attention to me. Clearly, I need to be more careful around him. I glide toward the door and fling it open as he’s about to knock on the door again.
His hand is raised, and his eyes widen. He rakes his gaze down my body, slowly taking in the dark red, fitted creation that dips between my breasts enough to hint at my cleavage, then proceeds to hug every curve, before dropping down in an uneven hem to below my knees. It also has a slit riding up to mid-thigh on one side. His eyes flash. Those golden sparks flicker in the depths of his mesmerizing eyes. The heat between us shoots sky-high. His nostrils flare, and he takes a step forward. So, do I.
"You are the most beautiful woman in this world." His voice is guttural. The pulse at the base of his throat kicks up. He lowers his face, and I rise up on tiptoes. That’s when Tiny barks, then gallops over to shove himself between us. I stumble, and Knight grips the curve of my waist. His palm feels too big, too hot, too possessive as he spreads his fingers across the small of my back, the tips brushing against the flare of my hips.