Page 61 of The Wrong Wife
"If you were as much of an asshole as you’d like me to believe, you would've taken my virginity last night."
"And I didn’t because I don’t want you to catch feelings." He glances away, a bored look on his face.
"But you’re going to make me come."
"Only because it entertains me to see you writhe and moan and whine and beg me to bring you to orgasm."
I know he’s hitting out at me again. I know it’s because he wants so hard to conform to the persona he’s trying to present to the world. I know it’s all a front because he’s not ready to face the emotional and mental injuries he’s carrying around, but it doesn’t stop me from actively hating him right now. "I’d better get ready and head to the office. My boss is an unreasonable man."
I spin around and head toward the elevator doors, when he calls out, "I’ll take you."
"No, thank you. Also, I need to go home and change first."
"No need."
I scowl at him over his shoulder. "I’m not going to the office looking like this." I glance down at the dress I wore last night, then back at him.
"I have a solution for that."
"I will not let you buy me a dress," I huff.
"Yes, you will."
I scowl through the window of the car—a Jaguar Sportbrake big enough for Tiny to park himself comfortably in the cargo space and have space left over. There was no arguing with him as he called for a quick breakfast for us—from James Hamilton’s restaurant— and food for Tiny from a company specializing in deliveries for dogs. Who knew those exist? Then he called Rudy and explained the situation to him and asked for a bigger car.
He insisted I shower. I agreed on the condition that I could use one of the guest bathrooms to avoid any chance of running into him. Not that it stopped me from imagining him without his clothes. It's not as if I need an excuse for that.
We ate without exchanging a word. Then, he hooked the leash onto Tiny, and we’d headed down to find this big-ass car parked in front of the doors. Rudy waited for us with the hatch open. I assumed we were headed to the office, so imagine my surprise when the car stops in front of an exclusive boutique in St. James Park. I stare at the name of the well-known designer scrawled above the door.
Of course, she’s Abby’s friend, married to Michael Sovrano, the ex-Don of the Cosa Nostra, who’s now the CEO of CN industries. I’ve met her a few times—enough to know her creations are highly sought after and priced in the five-figure range, if not higher. All the more reason not to accept this 'gift' from him.
As I contemplate my options—or rather, lack thereof—Knight slides out. Rudy rounds to the back of the car and opens the hatch. Knight hooks the leash onto Tiny, who woofs and bounds out. Together, they head for my car door, and Knight holds it open.
My gaze bounces between him and the boutique. "It’s too early for them to be open."
"They’re open," he says with confidence.
When I still refuse to move, he makes a low noise at the back of his throat. "Get out of the car," he orders.
I get out of the car.
I need to stop myself from jumping to obey him. As if that were possible. There’s this commanding air about him, a certain arrogance when he orders me, that sparks something primal inside of me. Something that makes me want to do his bidding. It’s confusing, but if I’m honest, it’s also exciting. It’s something new and different. A reaction I’ve never felt before. And will not again, with anyone else.
I scowl, then ignore the jerkface. Reaching over, I scratch Tiny behind his ear. The dog pants in ecstasy. Knight frowns down at him, then looks at me. He jerks his chin in the direction of the shop. Whatever. Best to get this over with. I march inside the door and find a dark-haired woman with flashing eyes and a wide smile waiting for us.
Before I can reply, she hugs me and kisses me on each cheek.
"That’s how we welcome friends in Sicily." She beams at me.