Page 136 of The Wrong Wife
"Know what?"
"That you and Knight are back together. That he confessed his feelings for you. That he’s woken up to what the rest of us could see all along." She rolls her eyes. "And thank god for that."
"Oh, that?" The tension leaves my shoulders.
"That?" She narrows her gaze on me. "Isn’t that enough? Is there something else you were thinking of?"
"What? No. Of course not." I look away, then back at her. "I guess I’m still getting my head around everything. It happened so quickly, you know? One second, I was upset with him; the next…" I shake my head. "The next, he bowled me over."
"So, he groveled, huh?" she asks, a knowing look on her face.
"Is that what Cade did? Is that what brought the two of you back together?’
Her eyes gleam. "Let’s just say, he was very persuasive. He literally went down on his knees to beg for forgiveness, and he did it so well, I had to return the favor."
I burst out laughing. "OMG, I can’t believe you said that."
"Yeah, it’s something I could have done without hearing," a very familiar voice says in a droll tone.
"Knight." Abby straightens, then walks over and hugs him. "Why are you making your wife work so late in the office?"
"Do you think I can make her do anything she doesn’t want to do?" He shoots me a look from under hooded eyelids. "Except, in bed, of course."
"Eww, I could have done without hearing that."
"Payback's a bitch, little sis." He smirks.
Abby steps back and looks between the two of us. "I came by to say I’m so happy my brother and my friend are together, this time for real. And I’m looking forward to seeing the two of you this weekend at my place."
Knight pales. "You’re organizing another party?"
She smirks. "I am, and you’re coming."
He cracks his neck. "I can’t say no to you, Abby. But I’m not comfortable hanging out with so many people all at once."
"They’re our friends." She arches an eyebrow at him. "They’re your friends. And after you skipped out on your wedding luncheon…"
"And it’s not like I don’t want to see them—"
She stares at him.
"Okay, so maybe I’d prefer to spend that time with my wife?" He looks at me with a plea in his eyes. A-n-d that’s how much this guy has changed. He doesn’t hesitate to show his real emotions to me and ask me for help when needed. Which is so completely different to the way he was a week ago. Telling me about Adam seems to have lifted a weight off his shoulders. That was a week ago, and since then, he seems to open up more to me every day.
I moved back in with him, and we’re taking the time to get to know each other all over again. We travel to work every day with Tiny, and he cooks dinner every night and breakfast in the mornings. With every passing day, he relaxes more, talks more with me, smiles more… It feels so natural, so normal to be with him. And the fact that we work together only enhances our relationship. Our understanding of each other deepens with every passing moment. And while he still hasn’t made love to me, he holds me close every night, and I wake up with him wrapped around me every morning. I’ve never been this happy and content, and so much in love.
She looks between the two of us, and her expression softens. "Aww look at the two of you. Aren’t you cute?"
Her brother seems taken aback. "I’m not sure that adjective applies to me."
"You should see the look on your face as you stare all lovestruck at your wife." She pats his shoulder. "It’s okay, Knight. Happens to the best of us. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you not fight the connection between the two of you."
He winces. "Am I that easy to read?"
"I’m your sister. Of course, I could tell what was happening. As for the chemistry between you two. I noticed it before either of you."
"Really?" I turn on her. "You mean, that first time when Knight came to tell you he was leaving on his mission, you realized there was something between us right then?"
“I know Knight did a double-take when he saw you. And I know your gaze kept tracking back to him. I wanted to introduce the two of you then, but I was preoccupied.”