Page 94 of Royally Tempted
I felt the pulse of something wicked throb inside of me at his words.
Turn aroundfor them?
I knew I should have been incensed, or that I should have walked out.
But I didn’t.
Looking back, I’m still not even sure why I didn’t. There I was, alone in a room with three gorgeous, dark, domineering men, asking me toturnfor them, and yet I stayed right where I was.
Maybe it was the same reason Sasha had stayed inheroffice back then when she first met Jordan and Luke.
My face went red at the implications of what that meant for me here and now with thesethreemen. But then, I did as I was told.
I turned for them;slowly.
I shivered as I did so, feeling their eyes on me, and feeling this thrill from it being sowrongcoursing through me. Wrong, perhaps, but at the same time, I felt a strange urge topleasethem. Not just because I wanted a job, but because I wanted to do well for them.
It was a strange feeling.
When I’d made a full circle on my heels, I brought my gaze back up.
They were all grinning at me.
“Very good, Arianna,” Hunter murmured, no longer at the window but standing beside the desk his partner leaned against.
“Verygood indeed.”
“Do you skype, Arianna?”
I turned back to Sean, my eyes following his hand as he pushed it through his thick hair.
“Video chat? Yes sir, of course.”
“We’re all three away on business for a few days, but we’d like to hold follow-up interviews via video so that we can have the position filled for our return. Are you available tomorrow evening?”
I felt my heart jump up into my throat. A follow-up interview? I’dmadeit?
I quickly nodded as I remembered to speak.
“Absolutely, sir!”
“Excellent,” Damien said darkly, nodding. “We appreciate you coming in, Arianna.”
“Of course, thank you for having—”
“Just so we’re clear,” Hunter cut in.
“Youareclear on the duties of the position?”
My brow furrowed for a minute. I mean, it was asecretaryposition.Yeah, I think I could handle photocopies and Starbucks orders.
“Absolutely,” I said quickly, smiling at them and clasping my hands in front of me.
Damien held my eyes another second.