Page 71 of Royally Tempted
I did my best to hide the grin, but it broke free. So did hers.
“Who?” I eagerly pressed grabbing her hands and grinning mischievously.
Imogen shook her head.
“Oh c’mon!”
“You first,” she whispered.
I swallowed the heat from my face “I can’t,” I whispered. I couldn’t I mean how could I tell my own sister that I’d just been having the best sex of my life withtwomen? Twins no less!
She sighed. “This is silly, we should just say it.”
I nodded, biting my lip. “Totally. Okay, no judging?”
“Of course not!”
I’m the worst sister ever.
I wasn’t going to tell her, but I wasdyingknow who she’d been with. I justified it as being protective of my little sister, but I knew it wasterribleto set her up like this.
“Count of three?”
She took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay.”
“Okay, one, two, three!”
“Prince Magnus.”
My jaw dropped. “Imogen!”
“Did youseriouslynot say who!?” she spat at me, her eyes wide. “Ilana! That is so fucking not fair!”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry!” I cringed.
Mine is worse, trust me.
“Look, mine is worse, seriously.”
“Worse than hooking up with Prince Magnus?”
I eyed her, the big sister mantle coming on strong. “Imogen, did you let him—”
“No,” she said quietly.
I started to exhale when she continued.
“He said he wants to marry me.”
“I know, what a line right?”
I frowned, thinking of the very notorious Prince Magnus and my very not-so-worldly sister. “I don’t know, Im. Invoking marriage just to get into your pants seems low even for a guy with his rep. I don’t get the feeling he’s a bad person, he’s just got all those tabloid stories dogging him.”
Her face fell. God, I didnotwant her to make the same mistake I’d made with Henry those years before.
“Did he hurt you?”