Page 55 of Royally Tempted
Jesus what the fuck was coming over me?
“Anyways, I should go find my sisters, or something.”
“Or something?” My brother smirked at her. “C’mon, can’t even come up with a good excuse why you don’t want to be hanging around with us?”
I elbowed him sharp in the ribs but he ignored me.
Ilana didn’t bat an eye.
“Should I? Come up with an excuse I mean? It’s not like there’s any needed. I just shouldn’t be seen at a suitors’ ball like this hanging around thebarwith two princes like yourselves, with your reputations.”
“You forgot ‘sexy and gorgeous’ this time,” I added with a smirk.
Her face bloomed crimson as she quickly took a sip of her champagne.
“Good luck with…whateveryou’re looking for tonight.”
“I think we were perfectly clear what we’re looking for,” I said, my voice tight. “We’re looking foryouand only you.”
Her eyes met mine for a second, her cheeks tinging that pink shade again before she looked away.
Damn I could’ve gotten lost in those eyes.
“You keep saying that.”
“It keeps being true,” Cade growled.
“And I told you, I’m not that girl.”
“Which girl is that then?”
“The one that gets caught up in your little lines like this?”
I wanted to fucking murder whoever had messed with her. Because I could see it then that that’s what this was. This wasn’t just a woman wise to men like us, even if that’s not what we were after. This was someone who’d beenburnedby someone like us. And I fucking hated whoever that asshole was.
And suddenly it made sense. Through that lens, I suddenly understood the reason she was so standoffish Hell, even if shedidfeel what we were feeling, I knew she was guarded.
She shook her head before either of us could respond.
“Anyways, I’m not that girl so, enjoy your nigh—”
“So prove it.”
She whirled back, frowning at me.
“Pardon me?”
Cade swung his gaze to me, scowling at me.
“Then prove it,” I said again, bolder this time. “You say you’re not ‘that girl’? Well, wouldn’t ‘that girl’ do exactly this? Walk away before things get real? Off to go waltz around with someone much safer?”
Her eyes locked onto mine.
“Lines didn’t work, and neither will reverse psychology.”
I grinned.
“Look, I’m done creating scandal with anyone watching me over here drinking withyou two. Enjoy your night.”