Page 102 of Royally Tempted
I groaned in the elevator, thinking about it. Sasha had filled me in about not “ending” calls correctly after I’d made up some fake story to about not hanging up correctly after the interview —skippingthe part about what I was doing, of course.
“Oh, yeah, it does that. Sometimes the other person just closes their laptop, but if they open it and you’re still there, it’s back up.” She’d said with a nonchalant shrug that night.
“At least they didn’t see you changing or something.”
Yeah, that.
God, at this point, I’d almostpreferif they’d just seen me changing instead of acting out my super-slutty fantasy involving them. I cringed a little at the thought as the elevator doors opened to the reception area of the office and I stepped out.
Ialmostdidn’t come today. I’d almost made up some terrible story to Sasha about the offer being rescinded for some reason, and gone on with my search. I mean how the hell was Ievergoing to work for these men after what they’d seen? Or heard?
But then, there was the other thing. There was thatcommandingtone in their voices when they’d told me to be here sharp on Monday morning. There was something in the way they’d demanded it that made mewantto say yes. Something in their voices and in those captivating looks made me want to say yes to alotof things for them.
“Ms. Holloway?” The older, grouchy looking receptionist nodded at me as I stepped off the elevator.
“They haven’t arrived yet, but they asked that you wait for them in their offices.”
I nodded quickly, feeling the color leave my face.
“Off you go,” she said sharply, nodding at the door that led to the hallway down to their offices.
The hallway felt even cooler than the first time I’d walked down it, even though I knew there was no one waiting to interview me at the other end. Then again, I’d have taken any interview in the world at that point over whatever conversation I was going to have with the three of them when theydidget there.
The office was quiet, and seemed emptier without the dominating, commanding presences of the men who were now my bosses. The door closed silently behind me as I moved into the room. It smelled like them in there. That was a weird thought, I remember thinking, since I’d only met them all the once. But still, the smell of expensive, masculine cologne, and polished leather, and fine linen filled the room.
I stood, fidgeting for a few minutes, before I began to explore the room a little. There were two other desks on either side of the room, more than just the one I’d noticed on my first visit. I strolled around them, running my hands over the the mahogany wood, across the shelves of books lining the walls, almost wanting to take my shoes off to feel the luxury of the fine carpet beneath my feet. I moved behind one of the desks and found myself sinking into one of the chairs. It smelled like man, and power. I’d missed that with Jason. Even before the cheating and his being an asshole, there’d been a lack of feeling like I was needed or protected that had gone on for a long time. I considered myself a fully self-sufficient type of woman, but it was still nice to feelpossessedby a man sometimes!
And I’d missed that feeling. The feeling that I was experiencing there in that chair that belonged to a man I barely knew.
My boss.
I thought more about what might happen here. Were they bringing me in just to fire me face-to-face, like some sort of power move? Were they planning on cutting me down to size for being some sort of creep and deviant for masturbating right in front of them like a total psycho?
But then I remembered the look on their faces when my eyes had snapped back to that screen. I remembered the tenseness in their hard, chiseled muscles and jaws. And Idefinitelyremembered the thick bulges in their swim trunks.
God, those bulges were basically all I’d been thinking about since.
Yeah, no, they hadn’t been mad or put off at all by seeing me. They’d been just as turned on as me, which made summoning me to their office like this even more…something.
I’d dressed that morning in a sexy, but not at all slutty outfit — a skirt that really showed off my legs and my ass, and a button-up, short sleeved blouse that was light and yet demurely “office-friendly”. And there I was, sitting in one of their big leather office chairs behind a huge, imposing desk, just waiting.
Waiting forwhatthough, I still wasn’t sure.
They just wanted to talk, of course. I kept saying it to myself over and over, but I still wasn’t sure I believed it. What didn’t help was that I was still on edge from the fantasy of the three of them. So there I was about to have a damn sit-down meeting with three men who’d seen me naked playing with myself on camera, and even if I was a little scared, I wasturned on.
It felt a bit like going grocery shopping when you’re starving.
Barely a minute later, there was a formal-sounding double knock at the office door. My pulse jumped, and I felt a nervous chill, not entirely unlike the feeling you might get when you’re about to walk out on a stage, or before a job interview. I swallowed heavily, my hand going to grip the desk in front of me.
The door opened, and in they walked.
No, not walked.Walkedwould be a normal start to business meeting.