Page 57 of One-Night Heirs
“About not becoming my father? So sure,” he said firmly and cupped her cheek. “Do not ask if I’m sure whether I love you. I’ve been feeling so frustrated, wanting you to know it. When you said that about Willow—”
“It was ajoke.”
“It made me realize that I can say the words, but if I’m not here to show you, then you’ll never believe it. Not the way I want you to know it.”
“I’ll never doubt it again,” she swore, because how could she? And she really was starting to cry. “It’s a really big feeling to accept.”
“Yeah. It’s a lot of love I’m carrying for you. Now I’ve gone and put it on you when you’re in such a delicate condition...” He drew her into his arms, hands sliding along the sides of her belly in a sweetly familiar way. His mouth pressed hers.
She went up on tiptoes, letting her arms cling around his neck as they found the right angle for their kiss. The perfect connection.He’s the one.It wasn’t a whisper of intuition anymore. It was a statement of fact.
The baby kicked.
Saint drew back, dropping a startled look to her belly. He gave her a rueful smile that was so carefree it made her pulse leap all over again.
“It will be a busy few weeks while I clear the decks,” he warned. “Then I’m all yours. Can you put up with my heavy schedule a little longer?”
She nodded, more confident in the future than she’d ever been.
True to his word, when she started having pains six weeks later, he was in bed beside her.
“Leg cramp?” he murmured when she abruptly rose.
“I think I’m having contractions.”
“Really?” He snapped up and reached for his phone.
While he was reviewing the symptoms of labor online, her water broke. She had a quick shower, then they went to the maternity clinic for what amounted to a textbook delivery. By ten thirty that morning, she was coaxing their newborn son to latch and Saint was ordering breakfast for them. Since everything had gone so well, they were sent home with Elliott that evening.
Saint had just spoken to Norma, who seemed eager to meet her grandson, and made a noise as he looked at something on his phone.
“What is it?”
“I was texting Willow to say I won’t be answering any calls for a few days. They said the board wants to meet with me about staying on as president. Dad always kept a tight hold on everything, refusing to relinquish control unless he absolutely had to. That’s why it’s been so demanding on me, but they want to restructure at the executive level to keep me at the top.”
“Oh. What do you think of that idea?”
“I think I’ll think about it in a few days.” He set aside his phone. “Right now...” He lowered carefully beside her to avoid jostling her too much and cuddled her against him so he could watch their son fight to stay awake long enough to nurse.
Fliss looked up at him, catching a look of wonder and tenderness on his face. It filled her with so much love, tears welled in her eyes.
“Angel,” he chided, catching her growing misty. He set a lingering kiss on her lips. “You did good today, you know.”
“Thanks.” She smiled down at her son. “But does it feel weird to you that they just let us bring him home as though we have a clue what we’re doing?”
“I honestly don’t know what they were thinking.”
They both laughed loud enough to disturb Elliott, who frowned and gave a small squawk.
“Oops. Sorry. Shh...” Fliss said.
Still smiling, they quieted to let their son get back to the business at hand.
Three years later...
SAINTCAMEDOWNthe stairs from tucking in Elliott to find Fliss on the floor at the coffee table, shuffling her cards.