Page 47 of One-Night Heirs
A small honeymoon period ensued, one that filled Fliss with optimism. She did send her proposal to her potential investor, then flew to California with Saint, where she was accidentally photographed in one of her own bathing suits. Her bump was growing obvious and the rest of her was filling out, too. She wore a seashell-patterned bikini top that tied between her breasts. The matching bottoms were high-waisted and had seashell-shaped cutouts on either hip, each outlined with dark blue piping. She also wore a wide-brimmed hat that she was holding on her head as she tipped her head back and laughed at something Saint had said.
It wasn’t a lewd photo. The suit was only partially visible beneath her filmy cover-up, but it was labeled “body positive” and captured an intimate moment between them, so it went viral. All the online influencers wanted to know where her ensemble had been purchased, and when it was identified as her own design, her potential business partner leapt on it, offering her an obscene amount of money to get a line of bathing suits to market as quickly as possible.
From then on, she and Saint both had busy days. While he assembled his team for his security project and oversaw that along with his regular responsibilities she hired her own team, including a buyer in Asia who began sending her amazing fabric samples.
Amid their heavy work schedules, they began hosting dinners. The first was a fun mash-up of his nerdy programmers and her fashion geeks that ended in makeovers and at least one new romance. Then, Fliss began finding her feet with Saint’s social circle. They attended cocktail parties and galas. People were more gracious now that they realized she was carrying the next heir to Grayscale and likely to be at these events more often. Fliss didn’t kid herself that it was more personal than that, but at least she was growing more comfortable in these settings.
The only hiccup occurred when they were invited to spend an evening in the private box of a celebrity to watch a basketball game. The evening had barely started when there was the sound of a brash female voice calling out drunken greetings, but even as Fliss turned to look, Saint was moving between them, blocking her from seeing the woman. He put a word in someone’s ear, and moments later, they were heading to the car.
“Julie,” Saint explained with a curl of his lip. “I stopped short of a restraining order when I sent her the cease and desist, but there’s no reason either of us need to be in the same room with her. Do you mind?”
“No.” They hadn’t had a night to themselves in ages. She was more than glad that their evening turned into a cuddle on the couch and some unhurried lovemaking. At times like this, everything about her new life was perfect.
Except...they didn’t talk about the baby very often. Fliss was eighteen weeks along and had begun looking through books of names. She also discussed with Saint which room she thought would be best as a nursery. He was agreeable but always seemed a little reticent, which worried her.
He was busy, though. He’d been curtailing travel for her sake, so she wasn’t exactly neglected. Also, this pregnancy was happening to her in a very physical way. She had been feeling small internal flutters lately and her baby bump was growing more pronounced, but Saint had yet to feel the baby move.
She had hoped by now he would start to see the baby as more real, but when she pressed his hand to her abdomen in the shower and asked “Can you feel that?” he shook his head.
It was a very subtle sensation inside her, so she wasn’t surprised, only disappointed because she wanted him to be as excited as she was. But he wasn’t.
“Are you sure there’s even a baby in there?” he joked lightly, circling his soapy palm around her navel.
“You think I’m packing on weight for show?”
“Pack it on. I’m not complaining.” His lathered hands climbed to cup the weighty swells of her breasts. “I thought you were hot as hell the first time I saw you, but I’m liable to keep you pregnant for years, purely to enjoy this benefit.”
“We all need goals,” she drawled, amused but also heartened when he spoke as though their future together was a given.
She wanted to believe they would marry and enjoy a long life together, but she also knew the baby would change everything. They would have a whole other human being between them. They wouldn’t make love as often or sleep in or go out as much.
There was that other, deeper worry inside her, too. She’d had her world come crumbling down too many times to trust that this new life she was building would last. He might find it threatening that she had contingency plans, and she might have already sat with him and his father as they went over paperwork that explained how the baby’s trust would work if something happened to Saint, but all it did was remind her that somethingcouldhappen to him.
She stored copies of the paperwork in a safe-deposit box and opened an account in her own name, one that she used to continue paying rent on her bedsit in Nottingham. She knew Saint took it personally because she told him about it and watched his expression stiffen, but having a fallback position gave her comfort.
Somehow eight weeks of living with him had slipped past and it was time for her twenty-week scan.
“Willow is sending contact details for a real estate agent who will meet with you as soon as we arrive in London,” Saint said, pulling her concentration from trying to ignore the fact that her bladder was about to burst. “I’ll need two days at the office, then we can spend the rest of the week looking at properties.”
He had delayed his trip until after this scan, to be sure she was safe to fly and could come with him, but they were going straight to the jet from here.
“Okay,” she said through gritted teeth.
Thankfully, the technician entered with a friendly smile.
Saint took her hand and gave the screen his attention, but Fliss still had the impression he was only being polite and continued to hold himself at a distance where the baby was concerned.
The woman applied jelly to Fliss’s belly and began moving the wand, explaining they typically only used the 3D imaging if this traditional two-dimensional black-and-white imaging revealed a concern. She began pointing to silvery lines and blobs, explaining she was measuring the skull and spine. She pointing out the four chambers of the baby’s heart.
“Oh, that’s a good one.” A pair of feet appeared. They were so clear, it was as though the baby had left its footprints in black sand. She snapped a photo.
Fliss became aware of her hand feeling compressed and glanced at Saint.
His eyes were glued to the screen, his expression frozen in a state of fascinated wonder. He didn’t seem to realize he was crushing her fingers.
He dragged his gaze to hers and swallowed.